Once knew a guy this happened to - last time I saw him we met by chance on an OC Transpo bus and he was sobbing about how he went to frosh week, some older girl got him really drunk, he woke up half naked in a strange room, was told he was no longer a virgin, told his friends about it and word spread; and then he was accused of rape because she had been drinking, he was ejected from school, and then he was shunned by his conservative Indian family. And then it was my stop and I had to get off. His name was Irfan and I worked with him for 2 years at a computer store when I was 16.
(7 votes)
(Old Spike)
"what has been happening" for any amount of time in the past has nothing to do with any man or woman today. it seems that some people don't get the whole picture.
"men are feeling the pain that women have felt" - that is absolutely collective punishment.
(Long Spike)
I dunno who the lady was but the fact that she knew the word warlock should've meant she knew that men were a part of the witchunts of yesteryear as well. Fox....
(Old Spike)
It's hard to go along with the theory that women running the world would be a better place. Sure they've been underrepresented like they are in some Islamic countries today which is a bit counter productive but we'd never have gotten this far with women running things. They simply lack testosterone which makes us strive.
let the left eat itself and this shit will go away for a while.
these same assholes getting busted were the ones pushing the narrative.