We're aligned, dog. A nice example of gracefully speaking truth to power. Remember someone else who did that? Anyway, at least in this instance the Bishop had the 'home' advantage. (Personally I'd have splashed him with Holy water...just to see what happens).
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
In my opinion this bishop is a good person, and despite her position she is not a religious fanatic (I don't know which christian sect she belongs to, though, and to me it doesn't matter), like you.
I don't think you are "that opposed" to trump at all, he shows a lot the same "ethics" you display on here.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Since YOU raise the issue I believe she's Episcopalian (there in the title of the video you posted, noob). Good woman, I agree. And you finish off with passing judgement - like you're 'Putz'ius Plotte or something. Any particular way you feel I align with orange-man-bad that you care to list? Go on... we all know you're itching to.
*Try our new mint flavour.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Like I said, I don't care which sect she belongs to.
With regards to you there is the trans- and islamophobia as well as the adorning yourself with borrowed plumes that is pretty trumpian and also is a feature of the "ugly" section of christian sects.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Yeah. You be trippin' alright. Can I ask, my atheist friend..who else do you see in the room with us, right now. Poor you.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, you are such an old testament "christian", aren't you....... Guess I struck a nerve.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
LoL. Keep congratulating yourself putz. You keep failing upwards like this we'll see you in paradise yet.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Well, if there were a place like "paradise" or "heaven" where people end up in the imagined "afterlife" many atheists would have a way better chance ending up there than you, little buddy.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Borrowing some feathers yourself, there. Proclaiming...nay, preaching the moral superiority of your group. The atheist's mantra of purity and goodness that just springs into being.. spontaneously. So said your lord Hitchens..God rest him.
..And you say you don't believe in miracles. 😏
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"...preaching the moral superiority of your group."
Not at all, and you know it. I compared some people from the group "atheist" to one person (you) from the group "religious fanatic", nothing more, nothing less.
I NEVER even hinted that a person is "better or worse" because of their belief system (or lack of it).
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Amnesia much? Leaving your judgment of me aside (not doubting your capacity to consider anyone a religious nutter from your pov) anyone beyond me reading this is either ROTFLing or genuinely concerned for your well being given the lack of self awareness in that last stanza. You're just advancing the case for atheism as a contemporary mental disorder.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
As so many times before you are making my point.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Explain professor. (Other than the unfortunate photo of Hitchens they use above, later in his illness. Most of us found the guy rather handsome). The point itself stands. You're part of a religion. Getting on here making your proclamations like you're some kind of vegan or something. Dude, you're preaching. Hardly passive.
*PS. I hear the Italians and Greeks are having Easter the same time this year, so your traditional season's greetings should meet a wider audience.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You are proving the point I am making about you being a despicable fanatic, little buddy, this is what sets ypu apart from all the good christians, muslims, jews, hindus etc. out there.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Fanaticism is a term best ascribed to your preaching of atheism. Prove me wrong. Let Easter get past you without commentary this year you hypocrite. Ramadan on the other hand is coming up Feb 28th if you need to get your fix in before then, Mr. cunt. Always a pleasure.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, are you trying to restrict what people are allowed to post and/or comment about? Here's a hint: You don't have to watch, read or comment on it. If your god is so great they don't need your help now anyway, do they.
And of course fanatic christian muslim bashers like you would love more islamophobe content.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Not at all. Just calling you out as a hypocrite, specifically. And since you keep on bringing up 'islamophobia' (like that's a thing), have you picked a Muslim-majority country to move to yet? I want you to know I'm still good on my promise to drive you and the family to the airport.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Again and again you ignore my point. I would not choose to live in any country where ANY religious sect has severe influence on or is in charge of government (the US would qualify here too of course). This is why I am quite happy here in Spain (a "catholic country") where they keep religion and state way more separated (and happily so) than elsewhere, for example:
Couples may choose to marry or not, they choose to marry in the church of their liking or have a civil ceremony. One may also opt for a "registered partnership" (currently the only option for gay couples), which gives one the same rights for example in case of inheritance or property law but "divorce" proceedings are simplified and in general less costly.
In general people celebrate their belief in private (there are of course religious holidays, though), minus the odd jehovas witness knocking on the door.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
'I am quite happy here in Spain (a "catholic country") where they keep religion and state way more separated'
...pfft. Now you're the Islamophobe. Plus separation of church and state was Jesus's idea. Now go sing a hymn with Dawkins or something.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
How an I the islamophobe now?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Oh it's Christmas, Yes!
You indicated above your clear preference to be an atheist living in a Christian country! What, you think as an atheist in a Christian country you are somehow superior?! Why not be an atheist in a Muslim majority country? Did you even consider the option? No, cause you inherited from your parents a belief yours is the only way. That's Islamophobic! You're an islamophobe! Istophobe in general ! Ewww. I'm referring to you specifically and your superiority complex cause you think you're better (..than me). You're terrible! Not like those other nice Atheists just go about their business... 'Atheist'... ha!'
...There. This is you. This is what you sound like.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"You indicated above your clear preference to be an atheist living in a Christian country!"
I even included a christian country as an example: "I would not choose to live in any country where ANY religious sect has severe influence on or is in charge of government (the US would qualify here too of course). This is why I am quite happy here in Spain (a "catholic country") "
You project EVERY dark aspect of your personality on me, that is hilarious!
YOU constantly and openly claim you are and know "better" than others, that goes not only for atheists and muslims but also for members of christian sects you feel are inferior to yours, like catholcs, jehovas witnesses or "creationists" in general.
In all our "conversations" regarding the topic I asked you what it is that you know that I don't, what are the facts or the evidence etc. etc. and following the usual series of non arguments a few weeks back you finally said it: you have "faith". You could have saved yourself all the years of frustration over your impotence to come up with valid arguments if you would have started with that the first time the topic came up. You don't need evidence you believe regardless.
The statement your favourite enemy Dawkins uses ("Can't think of anything that would prove the existence of a deity as described in scripture to me") is ridiculous to you however you expect people to accept and respect you literally saying the same about how you would identify your reborn savior, "can't think of anything, I would just know", which not only shows you feel you are "better" and somehow more knowledgeable than others but, to put the cherry on the cake, also superior in the sense of having some sort of supernatural ability.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Listen. I wasn't sure at first but when we got to 'impotence' I knew for sure we weren't talking about me but instead you and your insecurities. This kind of obsession is what makes cult of Dawkins folks such as yourself crazier the older you get.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
As always your answer says a lot about you. FYI impotence, according to the oxford dictionary: "the fact of being unable to change things or influence a situation"
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Oh little buddy. But who's calling for change (and failing)? I don't see anyone on here trying to convert anyone. Except you.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Since when has asking questions, and pointing out flaws in someone's argumentation (and personality) become "trying to convert"? What "change(s)" did I call for?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Looking past the bit where you pass summary judgment, like you've been endowed by virtue of your religion to be the moral authority here,.. we'll call this a symptom of your mental illness, your 'God Delusion Delusion'. ARE YOU SERIOUS when you're suggesting above that you are asking questions and examining your opponents arguments, motivated by some honorable search for truth? Be serious 😏.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I explained that in many answers in this post before.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Really? Since you're having a 'good' memory day go ahead and refresh mine.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Ok. So no reply after 2 days which means in your sorry state you're claiming some kind of victory in the discussion above. Rest assured this is only in your mind. What you've actually done is outed yourself as an Islamophobe. You feel it's a search for truth i.e. a moral compulsion that causes you to be a daft cunt when it comes to Christianity. And as we all learn more-and-more about attempts at islamicizing the West (some successful, e.g. London); heck in Sweden they killed a guy for burning their book, but you choose to turn a blind eye. Treating Islam like the retarded cousin that gets a pass for ill behaviour duing quanza or festivus... or whatever the hell you celebrate (monday night football? dunno). You're a hypocrite. Pure and simple. I mean, we've been waiting for years for you to post something akin to 'Budha, you freakin fat fuck' but it never came, ... and Buddhists are pacifists.
So go on 'big guy'.. only 25days to Ramadan. Show us you're equal-opportunity when it comes to enlightening (caring for) us all. Anything else is islamophobic/racist!! (...well, in your mind maybe- cause I need to remind you again, Mohamed was a white guy).
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
2 part reply:
1. your pettiness:
1st reply: If you can't remember, it was not interesting or important to you or it triggered you to the extent you willingly ignored it and then tried to divert the discussion. You would do so in the future so why should I waste my time again?
2nd reply: "claiming some kind of victory" There is no "winner" in this. Is this what it is about for you? How would you declare a "winner"?
In the end you think people are inherently bad and need to fear a higher power (that dearly loves them at the same time) to "be good", I think this is ridiculous (as is the way believers like you try to justify or "prove" it) and attribute this TO the people, THEY actually DO make the difference, not fairy tale books or clergy or organised religion as such, people invented all this after all.
So, to me, our "conversation" simply has reached a natural end in this thread. If you want to either have the last word or not (whatever makes you feel you "win" or are "superior"), be my guest, I don't care, so let me know and I'll act accordingly.
2. islam bashing:
As I told you AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN, I am well aware of the dangers regarding islam extremists, I just don't discuss them with muslim bashers like you. If for example islamists like (your muslim equivalent) ninjizz or islam apologists like bannik would still frequent this site and the topic came up I would talk to them (as I have in the past).
But I won't engage in a "muslim bashing" with someone like you. You will have to find someone with a similar mindset, plenty on here too, I bet vinzent (if they recover from their period of pain) or bsman or jdt74 will happily throw shit and agree with you on how your god is better than "theirs" and you are better than "them".
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Oh yummy. Responding in kind.
1. My pettiness. 1st reply. Hello Kettle? Look at your first comment on the thread, above.
2. No winner. Sure there is. I won you lost. This whole thread has been about your insecurity, little pot shots about fairy tale books some of us consider historical record (whether on faith or gathered evidence). And you, per usual, lashing out at Christianity cause you feel you're qualified. Honestly Daf, I'm by no means better than anyone on here (well.. maybe just you / and even then, just here on this thread and topic). So cry us a river.
2. Islam Bashing. Again, a bunch of fart noises and you passing judgment. The only reason I raise Islamicization (note, not mary and joe muslim, going about their business raising a family and contributing to society) is to point out you're a hypocrite. While this was not the case 20 or even 10years ago, there's enough common knowledge on the doctrine and dogma now that one would think you as a secular humanist would be out there championing the cause. Instead, what do we get (back by popular demand; Marina/Ms. Hot For Words, everyone)...
ps. <shouting over all the queef noises you're making lately>
22d to Ramadan. Make us proud.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
" I won you lost."
As this is what is soooooooo important to you: Congratulations!
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Thanks man. Being able to concede a point in the face of new information now and then means there is still hope for you.
(Site Administrator)
We're aligned, dog. A nice example of gracefully speaking truth to power. Remember someone else who did that? Anyway, at least in this instance the Bishop had the 'home' advantage. (Personally I'd have splashed him with Holy water...just to see what happens).
(Old Spike)
In my opinion this bishop is a good person, and despite her position she is not a religious fanatic (I don't know which christian sect she belongs to, though, and to me it doesn't matter), like you.
I don't think you are "that opposed" to trump at all, he shows a lot the same "ethics" you display on here.
(Site Administrator)
Since YOU raise the issue I believe she's Episcopalian (there in the title of the video you posted, noob). Good woman, I agree. And you finish off with passing judgement - like you're 'Putz'ius Plotte or something. Any particular way you feel I align with orange-man-bad that you care to list? Go on... we all know you're itching to.
*Try our new mint flavour.
(Old Spike)
Like I said, I don't care which sect she belongs to.
With regards to you there is the trans- and islamophobia as well as the adorning yourself with borrowed plumes that is pretty trumpian and also is a feature of the "ugly" section of christian sects.
(Site Administrator)
Yeah. You be trippin' alright. Can I ask, my atheist friend..who else do you see in the room with us, right now. Poor you.
(Old Spike)
lol, you are such an old testament "christian", aren't you....... Guess I struck a nerve.
(Site Administrator)
LoL. Keep congratulating yourself putz. You keep failing upwards like this we'll see you in paradise yet.
(Old Spike)
Well, if there were a place like "paradise" or "heaven" where people end up in the imagined "afterlife" many atheists would have a way better chance ending up there than you, little buddy.
(Site Administrator)
Borrowing some feathers yourself, there. Proclaiming...nay, preaching the moral superiority of your group. The atheist's mantra of purity and goodness that just springs into being.. spontaneously. So said your lord Hitchens..God rest him.
..And you say you don't believe in miracles. 😏
(Old Spike)
"...preaching the moral superiority of your group."
Not at all, and you know it. I compared some people from the group "atheist" to one person (you) from the group "religious fanatic", nothing more, nothing less.
I NEVER even hinted that a person is "better or worse" because of their belief system (or lack of it).
(Site Administrator)
Amnesia much? Leaving your judgment of me aside (not doubting your capacity to consider anyone a religious nutter from your pov) anyone beyond me reading this is either ROTFLing or genuinely concerned for your well being given the lack of self awareness in that last stanza. You're just advancing the case for atheism as a contemporary mental disorder.
(Old Spike)
As so many times before you are making my point.
(Site Administrator)
Explain professor. (Other than the unfortunate photo of Hitchens they use above, later in his illness. Most of us found the guy rather handsome). The point itself stands. You're part of a religion. Getting on here making your proclamations like you're some kind of vegan or something. Dude, you're preaching. Hardly passive.
*PS. I hear the Italians and Greeks are having Easter the same time this year, so your traditional season's greetings should meet a wider audience.
(Old Spike)
You are proving the point I am making about you being a despicable fanatic, little buddy, this is what sets ypu apart from all the good christians, muslims, jews, hindus etc. out there.
(Site Administrator)
Fanaticism is a term best ascribed to your preaching of atheism. Prove me wrong. Let Easter get past you without commentary this year you hypocrite. Ramadan on the other hand is coming up Feb 28th if you need to get your fix in before then, Mr. cunt. Always a pleasure.
(Old Spike)
lol, are you trying to restrict what people are allowed to post and/or comment about? Here's a hint: You don't have to watch, read or comment on it. If your god is so great they don't need your help now anyway, do they.
And of course fanatic christian muslim bashers like you would love more islamophobe content.
(Site Administrator)
Not at all. Just calling you out as a hypocrite, specifically. And since you keep on bringing up 'islamophobia' (like that's a thing), have you picked a Muslim-majority country to move to yet? I want you to know I'm still good on my promise to drive you and the family to the airport.
(Old Spike)
Again and again you ignore my point. I would not choose to live in any country where ANY religious sect has severe influence on or is in charge of government (the US would qualify here too of course). This is why I am quite happy here in Spain (a "catholic country") where they keep religion and state way more separated (and happily so) than elsewhere, for example:
Couples may choose to marry or not, they choose to marry in the church of their liking or have a civil ceremony. One may also opt for a "registered partnership" (currently the only option for gay couples), which gives one the same rights for example in case of inheritance or property law but "divorce" proceedings are simplified and in general less costly.
In general people celebrate their belief in private (there are of course religious holidays, though), minus the odd jehovas witness knocking on the door.
(Site Administrator)
'I am quite happy here in Spain (a "catholic country") where they keep religion and state way more separated'
...pfft. Now you're the Islamophobe. Plus separation of church and state was Jesus's idea. Now go sing a hymn with Dawkins or something.
(Old Spike)
How an I the islamophobe now?
(Site Administrator)
Oh it's Christmas, Yes!
You indicated above your clear preference to be an atheist living in a Christian country! What, you think as an atheist in a Christian country you are somehow superior?! Why not be an atheist in a Muslim majority country? Did you even consider the option? No, cause you inherited from your parents a belief yours is the only way. That's Islamophobic! You're an islamophobe! Istophobe in general ! Ewww. I'm referring to you specifically and your superiority complex cause you think you're better (..than me). You're terrible! Not like those other nice Atheists just go about their business... 'Atheist'... ha!'
...There. This is you. This is what you sound like.
(Old Spike)
"You indicated above your clear preference to be an atheist living in a Christian country!"
I even included a christian country as an example: "I would not choose to live in any country where ANY religious sect has severe influence on or is in charge of government (the US would qualify here too of course). This is why I am quite happy here in Spain (a "catholic country") "
You project EVERY dark aspect of your personality on me, that is hilarious!
YOU constantly and openly claim you are and know "better" than others, that goes not only for atheists and muslims but also for members of christian sects you feel are inferior to yours, like catholcs, jehovas witnesses or "creationists" in general.
In all our "conversations" regarding the topic I asked you what it is that you know that I don't, what are the facts or the evidence etc. etc. and following the usual series of non arguments a few weeks back you finally said it: you have "faith". You could have saved yourself all the years of frustration over your impotence to come up with valid arguments if you would have started with that the first time the topic came up. You don't need evidence you believe regardless.
The statement your favourite enemy Dawkins uses ("Can't think of anything that would prove the existence of a deity as described in scripture to me") is ridiculous to you however you expect people to accept and respect you literally saying the same about how you would identify your reborn savior, "can't think of anything, I would just know", which not only shows you feel you are "better" and somehow more knowledgeable than others but, to put the cherry on the cake, also superior in the sense of having some sort of supernatural ability.
(Site Administrator)
Listen. I wasn't sure at first but when we got to 'impotence' I knew for sure we weren't talking about me but instead you and your insecurities. This kind of obsession is what makes cult of Dawkins folks such as yourself crazier the older you get.
(Old Spike)
As always your answer says a lot about you. FYI impotence, according to the oxford dictionary: "the fact of being unable to change things or influence a situation"
(Site Administrator)
Oh little buddy. But who's calling for change (and failing)? I don't see anyone on here trying to convert anyone. Except you.
(Old Spike)
Since when has asking questions, and pointing out flaws in someone's argumentation (and personality) become "trying to convert"? What "change(s)" did I call for?
(Site Administrator)
Looking past the bit where you pass summary judgment, like you've been endowed by virtue of your religion to be the moral authority here,.. we'll call this a symptom of your mental illness, your 'God Delusion Delusion'. ARE YOU SERIOUS when you're suggesting above that you are asking questions and examining your opponents arguments, motivated by some honorable search for truth? Be serious 😏.
(Old Spike)
I explained that in many answers in this post before.
(Site Administrator)
Really? Since you're having a 'good' memory day go ahead and refresh mine.
(Site Administrator)
Ok. So no reply after 2 days which means in your sorry state you're claiming some kind of victory in the discussion above. Rest assured this is only in your mind. What you've actually done is outed yourself as an Islamophobe. You feel it's a search for truth i.e. a moral compulsion that causes you to be a daft cunt when it comes to Christianity. And as we all learn more-and-more about attempts at islamicizing the West (some successful, e.g. London); heck in Sweden they killed a guy for burning their book, but you choose to turn a blind eye. Treating Islam like the retarded cousin that gets a pass for ill behaviour duing quanza or festivus... or whatever the hell you celebrate (monday night football? dunno). You're a hypocrite. Pure and simple. I mean, we've been waiting for years for you to post something akin to 'Budha, you freakin fat fuck' but it never came, ... and Buddhists are pacifists.
So go on 'big guy'.. only 25days to Ramadan. Show us you're equal-opportunity when it comes to enlightening (caring for) us all. Anything else is islamophobic/racist!! (...well, in your mind maybe- cause I need to remind you again, Mohamed was a white guy).
(Old Spike)
2 part reply:
1. your pettiness:
1st reply: If you can't remember, it was not interesting or important to you or it triggered you to the extent you willingly ignored it and then tried to divert the discussion. You would do so in the future so why should I waste my time again?
2nd reply: "claiming some kind of victory" There is no "winner" in this. Is this what it is about for you? How would you declare a "winner"?
In the end you think people are inherently bad and need to fear a higher power (that dearly loves them at the same time) to "be good", I think this is ridiculous (as is the way believers like you try to justify or "prove" it) and attribute this TO the people, THEY actually DO make the difference, not fairy tale books or clergy or organised religion as such, people invented all this after all.
So, to me, our "conversation" simply has reached a natural end in this thread. If you want to either have the last word or not (whatever makes you feel you "win" or are "superior"), be my guest, I don't care, so let me know and I'll act accordingly.
2. islam bashing:
As I told you AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN, I am well aware of the dangers regarding islam extremists, I just don't discuss them with muslim bashers like you. If for example islamists like (your muslim equivalent) ninjizz or islam apologists like bannik would still frequent this site and the topic came up I would talk to them (as I have in the past).
But I won't engage in a "muslim bashing" with someone like you. You will have to find someone with a similar mindset, plenty on here too, I bet vinzent (if they recover from their period of pain) or bsman or jdt74 will happily throw shit and agree with you on how your god is better than "theirs" and you are better than "them".
(Site Administrator)
Oh yummy. Responding in kind.
1. My pettiness. 1st reply. Hello Kettle? Look at your first comment on the thread, above.
2. No winner. Sure there is. I won you lost. This whole thread has been about your insecurity, little pot shots about fairy tale books some of us consider historical record (whether on faith or gathered evidence). And you, per usual, lashing out at Christianity cause you feel you're qualified. Honestly Daf, I'm by no means better than anyone on here (well.. maybe just you / and even then, just here on this thread and topic). So cry us a river.
2. Islam Bashing. Again, a bunch of fart noises and you passing judgment. The only reason I raise Islamicization (note, not mary and joe muslim, going about their business raising a family and contributing to society) is to point out you're a hypocrite. While this was not the case 20 or even 10years ago, there's enough common knowledge on the doctrine and dogma now that one would think you as a secular humanist would be out there championing the cause. Instead, what do we get (back by popular demand; Marina/Ms. Hot For Words, everyone)...
ps. <shouting over all the queef noises you're making lately>
22d to Ramadan. Make us proud.
(Old Spike)
" I won you lost."
As this is what is soooooooo important to you: Congratulations!
(Site Administrator)
Thanks man. Being able to concede a point in the face of new information now and then means there is still hope for you.
Here. For you, chum. Another rivalry for the ages. https://spikednation.com/videos/another-dedication