Pfft, I'm pretty sure that is due to excessive masturbation. Its not like, she got it out of nowhere, she triggered it on her own.
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blue_devil (Short Spike)
Does she have a small brain tumor ? There are centers in the brain responsible with sexual arousal, the amigdala or some other related parts so if a tumor was overexciting that area she would get aroused non stop.
(Short Spike)
Would you want a raging Boner 24/7?
(Short Spike)
Pfft, I'm pretty sure that is due to excessive masturbation. Its not like, she got it out of nowhere, she triggered it on her own.
(Short Spike)
Does she have a small brain tumor ? There are centers in the brain responsible with sexual arousal, the amigdala or some other related parts so if a tumor was overexciting that area she would get aroused non stop.