I don't think I am being to harsh in my assessment of the game. The upcoming World War Z game offers nothing new, and is basically a Left 4 Dead clone, let's talk about it.
(3 votes)
I don't think I am being to harsh in my assessment of the game. The upcoming World War Z game offers nothing new, and is basically a Left 4 Dead clone, let's talk about it.
(Short Spike)
went to your spikedgaming.com blog. I see the League of Legends icon but not the Dota2, so I automatically assume you are a filthy casual and stop playing the video.
(Short Spike)
lol ok, that's like, your opinion man.
(Short Spike)
It was a good video. Nicely edited. You, however, are still a pleb, good sir.
(Old Spike)
Is SpikedGaming any relation to SpikedNation or is it just a koinkidink?
(Short Spike)
No relation to this site, no. Although it was something I thought about doing back during the days of SpikedHumor and decided to use the name when I made my Warhammer40k related Instagram page.