Seing as though the forum is dead I thought this would be a good way to discuss it.
I logged on to the site a few hours ago to see that Critikalmind (who apartly was running the site?) has been asked to step down? ...and stopped the site from being viewd to save his bandwidth which he was aparently paying for? Seriously WTF is going on behind the scenes of SN?
The message when the site went down was very strange and mildly passive agressive, but did make sense. Why is this guy being kicked out of the community if he's bascially paying and running the site? Why would something like this happen without the input of the communtiy? Who actually 'owns' spiked nation?
Answers please!
Hit 5 stars for awareness.
(38 votes)
(Site Administrator)
Ninja briefly explains it on the Spiked FB page.
(Old Spike)
Thank you SpikedLegend for taking over the hosting and letting us keep on enjoying the site.
(Site Administrator)
I haven't taken over hosting. It just says site admin next to my name temporarily until I can hand over the keys to the real stars who will be running the show behind he scenes.
Thanks though
(dumb cunt)
Keep the keys SL! You've been a mature and steadfast supporter of the site and you'd make a great admin.
(Old Spike)
That is a technicality. You ste`pped up to the plate, hence you deserve praise!
(Old Spike)
SpikedLegend AKHBAR!
(Site Administrator)
If you guys think I should I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep the credentials active and help out in a diplomatic sense.
(Old Spike)
I know we argue about all sorts of shit SpikedLegend but you're OK in my book, even if you are wrong.
(Old Spike)
Is it time for a donation drive? I'm sure raising a few months hosting fees would be a sinch. It doesn't seem right that the developer donates his time AND pays for the site. If anything we should be kicking him a few bucks as a thankyou.
(Old Spike)
We need Patreon.com
(Old Spike)
How much does a month of hosting cost? I landed a pretty sweet job last year after living on scraps for two years going back to school. I may have a few bones to toss your way.
(dumb cunt)
So a nerd fight happened among the admins...who cares? Let's focus on building a better site.
(Short Spike)
Now that Trump and Poutine has settled into the minds of the peaseants folk,.... and without any unrelated SN drama to carry us through the long summer,.... I fear the worst. We've returned to the real life!
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
waitwaitwait... you're telling me two people had a hissy fit and both decided to go home and never talk to anyone remotely related again? i've seen this a few times before, but all were back in high school and between girls...
btw to clarify, i'm pretty sure the accounts were all in critikal's name and he was directly paying for them, but he was using money received through donations to the site, not his own personal money.
(dumb cunt)
That seems to be the case, yes.
I believe it was you that suggested this on the last site, but we need some level of visibility on the month to month financial requirements to maintain the site. I'm happy to go on donating, or even act as a controller if needed, but we need some adults in the room to avoid situations exactly like this.
BTW, I know that you're in Japan as am I. Do you know any developer types with drupal skills? https://www.reddit.com/r/spikednationals/comments/6tefr6/put_the_drama_aside/?st=j6ap1dvn&sh=baf74829
(Old Spike)
i know a guy who worked for drupal, but i doubt he would put his time in this site without being payed for it.
(Old Spike)
@Timmy_Tosser no unfortunately i don't know anyone with dev skills of any kind. in my experience people with tech skills tend to leave japan rather than come here.
always really appreciated critikal's work, i knew he did a lot but not just how much, which i think goes back to the transparency problem. if we knew, no doubt at least a couple great spikers would've been willing or even eager to do some of the load. perhaps he liked it that way and wanted to do it all himself? idk.
(Long Spike)
Andeh save me my world is imploding !!!!!!!
(Short Spike)
Andeh is no more
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
So glad I never gave any of you doorknobs my money. This is a shit site with a shit community. Stems way back from the crave bullshit days.. like what? 2007? I'm done with this place.
(Old Spike)
any suggestions were to go.............................i'm..........i'm asking for a friend.............
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Skeptoid said, "Yes, good. You are one of four or five that I have always suspected of having no respect for this site or the people who use it so thank you for confirming that."
With the new site set up I don't know who you're referring to with this comment.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
I think Critikal and Voilet should bury the hatchet because both of them are great and we need both of them..they should get on Patreon.com and id be willing to give a few quid a month..Also bring back the GIFS!!
EDIT I agree that there should be more transparency for the lads here to see who runs the place and how much cash there is and where it goes..Patreon is good for knowing how much is donated each month
(Old Spike)
Berg? Berg is that you?
(Site Administrator)
I think the hatchet is pretty much buried. Violetninja is staying onboard (as Critikal hoped he wanted to do). I'm hoping that Critikal will one day find that he can't stay away and comes back.
Also Metagen will be working on the site more.
(Old Spike)
baby duck is a moderators "secondary" account,
aw. your rank changed. someone is going to have to give you the "with great power comes great responsibility" speach
(Site Moderator)
Does anyone by chance know how much bandwidth this site uses?
(Old Spike)
I have no idea but if it's over 10G I'd be really surprised. It doesn't host anything heavy.
(Short Spike)
Considering non of the videos are actually hosted here, and non of the pictures too, all the site has to do is keep up with peoples avatars and text. I doubt it costs much more than a car payment. Funding for the site has never been an issue as far as the users have been told.
(Long Spike)
trumps russian spies attacked this site
(Long Spike)
Fat girls have skills.
(dumb cunt)
SL how are you finding all of this out? Shouldnt there be a topic in the forum where we can all (well most of us) weigh in?
(Site Administrator)
We recorded the last podcast with Ninja, Nakey, Critikal and myself. When it was over we never closed the Skype group chat and have been in touch pretty regularly (almost daily) ever since. When this new site launched, Nakey made another group chat that with the admins regarding whats going on. He added me to it because we were planning to record a new episode talking about the new site and things related.
I missed the whole fight live but when I came to Spiked and read Critikals departure announcement I went on to Skype and read the whole thing (at least most of it as it was a big read). If I'm being honest Ninja absolutely went overboard in how he talked to Critikal at times during that fight, on the otherhand he was clearly all about what was best for the site and having certain things addressed that he knew were issues for some people. Critikal was doing the brunt of the work alone while putting in countless hours on Spiked. It seemed like every time I talked to him he was busy with the site at the same time. At the end of the day it was two guys who were extremely passionate about the project who wound up locking horns, the only problem is there was no one else there to let cooler heads prevail. Ninja knows he was wrong and is making no excuses for his part on how things went down and totally has his regrets for his side of it as the shit talking was pretty much in both directions.
As far as a good place for everyone to weigh in, I think Jtrillo's post here is perfect.
(dumb cunt)
Thanks SL. If attractiveness is also a deciding factor for admin privilege then you've got nothing to worry about.
(Site Administrator)
(dumb cunt)
LOL perfect response GIF!
(Site Administrator)
If I could I would use nothing but gifs when writing these days lol.
(Short Spike)
I dont know what I'm going to do, My websites are 4chan, Spikednation, Liveleak and Efukt. And spiked is the site that balences my sexual devient/anarchist mind.
(Old Spike)
I know the feeling. I only have youtube, funnyjunk & spiked. I don't wanna go back to liveleak, way to many wierdos there.
(Short Spike)
Spiked is like coffee to me; I could do without it, but i really wouldnt want to. Hope everything gets fixed. Crappy Videos and all
(Short Spike)
Really surprised that the site made it past crave, and has stuck around this long. Would be pretty ridiculous to see it end over some dumb e-drama. Pull your shit together guys. Thanks for all the time an effort you guys have put in over the years.
(Old Spike)
Thanks Critikal for at least letting the site come back online.
(Old Spike)
I couldn't care less about who the fuck runs the site, just as long as you keep it running. If spiked dissapeared I'd probably fall sick for at least a month.
(Old Spike)
Also, forest fires usually destroy the forest but leave ashes for the younger seedlings to grow stronger than before. So lets become a fucking dense, mysterious and interesting forest. 3rd times a charm.
(Long Spike)
Majestic fucking forest ashes are going to raise the fuck out of phoenixes everywhere in this bitch.
(Old Spike)
Fuck yeah
(Long Spike)
slo mo drops cigarette but in to pile of dry as fuck dense forest brush .
(Old Spike)
So if I understand this correctly it would be time for violetninja to eat some humblepie and apologise to critikal? And once (if) he's back NEVER let them talk without supervision again.....
(Old Spike)
i am tilting with this point system. only a borderline liberal could have created this
(Old Spike)
I could spare some time
(Site Administrator)
A new podcast episode is up that sheds more light on whats going on as well as immediate needs. http://www.spikednation.com/videos/spiked-nation-podcast-se02-ep01
(Old Spike)
Spikednation has the potential for greatness. Identify what makes it great compared to others and amplify those parts.
One of its strengths IMO is where it differs from many other websites, which have been or are currently trying to adapt to a vague standard that have left some in the cold.
Of course, keeping a website alive costs money. A website has to produce some kind of revenue, often based on popularity. That does not mean I am supporting advertisement clogging up the site. It means there could be ways of funding other than the financial support of returning members, which I'm not speaking against at all. Creating sponsored content can be a great way to provide, and eventually secure some kind of flow of income that will be able to keep this site alive.
You have a language, which originates mostly to this website. Like "Spiked original", which so far consists of videos the userbase create and share, but so rarely I doubt we would have an issue with you adopting it as part of the website.
Just some keywords: Spiked video, spiked original, spiked content, spiked live, spiked podcast.
These keywords has to be pushed outside the website as well, along with "spiked original" content videos.
Of course, you'll need content creators. They won't come by themselves. You have to reach out to them. We know some of them are here, but may be hesitant to share their current work because it may be unrelated or their youtube channels may not ooze of millions of subscribers. But some do have above average editing skills.
There doesn't have to be a prize competition to motivate the creation of content for this site. Just yell it out, Spiked Original Content Week, or whatever.
And yes, there is a PC paradigm shift going on everywhere online, but there are companies out there that are willing to ignore it because they have found it to be hurting their company. That does not mean they are only companies that openly support worst case scenarios of flame war fuel-causes out there. It means they are okay with the occational cursewords, insightful discussions that involve heated topics, as long as it is in the spirit of entertainment that will bring their products more traction instead of trouble.
Patreon is probably the best case scenario if you want to avoid said "trouble" in any case. But you really have to make the case for spikednation.
Excuse me for saying really obvious stuff.
And chrisshaw2 is willing to help with development, check out his comment!
(Long Spike)
"Creating sponsored content"
(Long Spike)
Long spike.
(Short Spike)
Long live SpikedNation! I for one welcome our new overlords and have waited for this moment a long time.
(Site Moderator)
Come on Violet and Critikal. Kiss and make up.
(Site Moderator)
if it were that easy.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
I understand Violet for being angry, the site is not up to par with the previous, look at the reply's they are aranged beneath eachother, but if Violet Ninja told him to be replaced he went far over the line, Critikal put alot of work in it, it is not easy creating a good site, the work he has done so far, is quite good
so kiss and make up both of you, contact eachother and fix the relations you are both spiked nationers
(Short Spike)
Whaaaaat is going onnn. Geez. This is what I get for coming sporadically over the course of...however long I've been here. Yeeeeesh.
(dumb cunt)
Welcome to the new Spiked! Would you like to be our token female admin?
(Site Administrator)
Its all your fault, tokixjam.
(Short Spike)
The blood is all over my hands! ALL OF IT!
(Site Administrator)
Just uploaded the latest podcast episode http://www.spikednation.com/videos/spiked-nation-podcast-se02-ep02
(Short Spike)
Man back in high school and college I was all over moderating and administrating forums.
I've become a much more passive forum peruser in my adult life.
(Site Administrator)
I know, you have a life and the site is low on the totem pole these days. You should sit in on the podcast and fill us in etc.
(Site Administrator)
Nakey put together a fun little songs dedicated to Critikal forum, to convince him to come back. http://www.spikednation.com/forum/tue-2017-08-22-2051/songs-critikal#new
(Short Spike)
you damn fools. I watched this shit happen 20 years ago. Don't do it again. If everyone needs some fresh silky shot on their face to be happy again I'll take one for the team.
(Short Spike)
The new site is shit, is no one else pissed about losing over 7 years of posts and comments?
(Long Spike)
@HATEthenewSITE I don't care about what some new kid I've never heard of before thinks of the site. You're like brand new and you're bitching about shit you don't understand. Shut it.
(Long Spike)
yeah can it , Berg !
(Site Administrator)
Exactly, the opinions of a coward hiding behind a new fake account mean nothing to anyone. You're better off saying this crap from your real account if you expect to stand a shot at anyone taking you seriously.
(Old Spike)
Im ok with the new site. Change is good. Change is your friend.
(Old Spike)
I think we need Andy's opinion, make a vid Andy
(Short Spike)
I've just been coming here for years for the gallery, and now the NSFW Gifs is gone. Please bring it back
(Site Moderator)
(Site Moderator)
Lol... I go way for a few years and y'all fight each other... I am back, come on back in folks, let's get this orgy going again.
(Short Spike)
How'd you even find this?
(Site Moderator)
I am bannik
(Short Spike)
(Site Moderator)
the thing that scares soldiers at night
(Old Spike)
You're back? Great...
That's what we needed a member returning that "contributes" nothing but rather brainless troll comments. yay. Maybe donkey punch comes back too.... they at least contributed content.
(Site Moderator)
I missed you too you sexy beast you... so whats your niche this time? still pretending you have any meaning in your painfully pointless life?
(Old Spike)
hello Bannik..good to see you back man..