It's about making money. Yelp is just thinking outside the box and cashing in. I know people who have been through the same thing as him. Yelp has hard-sell salespeople call them and basically demand their money for their service. If they refuse, they start a disinformation campaign. It's basically somehow legal, large-scale extortion. The salespeople are the worst vermin you will ever encounter. Their company parties must have been fun back when that was a thing.
(Site Moderator)
This guy has the best rants.
(Long Spike)
It's about making money. Yelp is just thinking outside the box and cashing in. I know people who have been through the same thing as him. Yelp has hard-sell salespeople call them and basically demand their money for their service. If they refuse, they start a disinformation campaign. It's basically somehow legal, large-scale extortion. The salespeople are the worst vermin you will ever encounter. Their company parties must have been fun back when that was a thing.