He said that the young and the elderly are the most vulnerable to mortality from this virus. - True
He said that numbers are being fudged about diagnosis. - True
He said that China among many other countries are participating in this fudging to save face. - True
He said that less developed countries are not nearly as well equipped to contain this. - True
He reccomends to avoid densely populated public places if cases are reported in your area. - Not bad advice.
He says that awareness of public health issues are one of many excellent reasons to stop censorship. - True.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
He said that China among many other countries are participating in this fudging to save face
prove it
He says that awareness of public health issues are one of many excellent reasons to stop censorship
Not exactly. It's important not to flood the airwaves with disinformation in times of crisis so there's a balance. WHO sent a rep to Silicon Valley to talk to the US social media giants about this which led to YouTube demonetizing COVID19 videos - this has helped cut down people like serpentza cashing in on fearmongering & disinfo. If this grifter was actually interested in spreading awareness for keeping people safe he wouldn't be sensationalising it & he'd link people to solid advice rather than throw in a few caveats as a pretense that he actually gives a shit about people's health.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
He said that China among many other countries are participating in this fudging to save face
"prove it"
You were just saying last week that the numbers of diagnosis were under reported.
So which is it?
He says that awareness of public health issues are one of many excellent reasons to stop censorship
"Not exactly. It's important not to flood the airwaves with disinformation in times of crisis so there's a balance. WHO sent a rep to Silicon Valley to talk to the US social media giants about this which led to YouTube demonetizing COVID19 videos - this has helped cut down people like serpentza cashing in on fearmongering & disinfo. If this grifter was actually interested in spreading awareness for keeping people safe he wouldn't be sensationalising it & he'd link people to solid advice rather than throw in a few caveats as a pretense that he actually gives a shit about people's health."
He was telling people that mortality rates were low and generally vulnerable persons of poor health and compromised immune systems were at highest risk of death.
Sensationalizing is telling people there is a crises and you have a high chance of dying or contracting infection...
Unrelated from what he was talking about, but a personal question of my own.
What IF there was a global deadly pandemic? Is it sensationalizing if you report that. Where do you draw the line?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
He said that China among many other countries are participating in this fudging to save face
You were just saying last week that the numbers of diagnosis were under reported. So which is it?
Not having enough testing kits, hospitals being overwhelmed & unable to diagnose everyone, people self-quarantining at home, asymtomatic cases, testing taking 3 days in the early stages, testing not being 100% accurate etc... these are all reasons that the confirmed cases are less than the real number of people carrying the disease. There was likely some fuckery going on in early January from the Wuhan authorities that I don't know the exact nature of yet.
When you go & conflate this with "China's lying about the numbers to save face" then you're making a huge leap of logic. If they're fudging numbers it's not to save face. There are other considerations like the economy (people's livelihoods) and limiting public panic. But these don't feed into the "communism is evil" agenda that styx obviously has as his go-to.
What IF there was a global deadly pandemic? Is it sensationalizing if you report that. Where do you draw the line?
There is a global pandemic. There already are others like regular flu, H1N1 etc. The only thing that's different with COVID19 is that it's new.
Responsible reporting would cover what YOUR health authorities are doing. What's your screening scenario like? How is your CDC handling it? Do you have enough testing kits, masks, anti-bacteria chemicals, hand sanitisers? What countries are still flying into your airports? Which airports? etc
If you want to get critical, why not find out exactly how the US-operated Diamond Princess ucked up so badly under the beauracracy of a similar liberal democracy in Japan? That would probably be more useful than talking a bunch of shit about China.
That's not to say you can't monitor events in China but when all indications point to China's handling of this since Jan 20th-ish being pretty fucking amazing & you have a guy telling you that the Chicoms are fucking it up & lying about it then you're wasting your time & he's just a self-promoter with a political agenda.
In conclusion, do I trust the numbers coming out of China 100%? no, not really. I don't need to though I think we have enough data to act on & I think their transparency is enough not to cause my country any serious problems. They'll likely be helping us out in time if the virus comes here. The testing kits, eventually a vaccine, the research etc. We need that shit to limit the damage.
Sorry to write a novel. We have a discord if you ever wanna chat: https://discord.gg/V3UkqN
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Have you heard of the claims that there was a bio research facility a few kilometres away from ground zero?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
yeah I've heard it. If you wanna chat we have a discord https://discord.gg/V3UkqN
couple things about the lab:
- it's 20km away from the wet market
- the 1st patient admitted to hospital never went to the wet market
- a bunch of scientists have said there's no indication that it's man-made
- the HK guy who wrote about it coming from the lab isn't even an expert in diseases, he's a physics professor & was just speculating based on coincidences
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I would be glad to join you. I have company right now and I have to work out the drivers for my head set. But I'll let you know when I have some time to chat in a few days.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
theres no vaccines for sars, or mers, what makes you think they'll be one for sars 2 electric boogaloo?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
no idea. There's already one in development in China & another in USA but it won't be ready before 2021.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
the hitler got rebranded and is an acceptable facial hair style(bottom row, 3rd from the left)
(Old Spike)
what a dickhead
(Old Spike)
Well, let's look at what he said.
He said that the young and the elderly are the most vulnerable to mortality from this virus. - True
He said that numbers are being fudged about diagnosis. - True
He said that China among many other countries are participating in this fudging to save face. - True
He said that less developed countries are not nearly as well equipped to contain this. - True
He reccomends to avoid densely populated public places if cases are reported in your area. - Not bad advice.
He says that awareness of public health issues are one of many excellent reasons to stop censorship. - True.
(Old Spike)
He said that China among many other countries are participating in this fudging to save face
prove it
He says that awareness of public health issues are one of many excellent reasons to stop censorship
Not exactly. It's important not to flood the airwaves with disinformation in times of crisis so there's a balance. WHO sent a rep to Silicon Valley to talk to the US social media giants about this which led to YouTube demonetizing COVID19 videos - this has helped cut down people like serpentza cashing in on fearmongering & disinfo. If this grifter was actually interested in spreading awareness for keeping people safe he wouldn't be sensationalising it & he'd link people to solid advice rather than throw in a few caveats as a pretense that he actually gives a shit about people's health.
(Old Spike)
He said that China among many other countries are participating in this fudging to save face
"prove it"
You were just saying last week that the numbers of diagnosis were under reported.
So which is it?
He says that awareness of public health issues are one of many excellent reasons to stop censorship
"Not exactly. It's important not to flood the airwaves with disinformation in times of crisis so there's a balance. WHO sent a rep to Silicon Valley to talk to the US social media giants about this which led to YouTube demonetizing COVID19 videos - this has helped cut down people like serpentza cashing in on fearmongering & disinfo. If this grifter was actually interested in spreading awareness for keeping people safe he wouldn't be sensationalising it & he'd link people to solid advice rather than throw in a few caveats as a pretense that he actually gives a shit about people's health."
He was telling people that mortality rates were low and generally vulnerable persons of poor health and compromised immune systems were at highest risk of death.
Sensationalizing is telling people there is a crises and you have a high chance of dying or contracting infection...
Unrelated from what he was talking about, but a personal question of my own.
What IF there was a global deadly pandemic? Is it sensationalizing if you report that. Where do you draw the line?
(Old Spike)
He said that China among many other countries are participating in this fudging to save face
You were just saying last week that the numbers of diagnosis were under reported. So which is it?
Not having enough testing kits, hospitals being overwhelmed & unable to diagnose everyone, people self-quarantining at home, asymtomatic cases, testing taking 3 days in the early stages, testing not being 100% accurate etc... these are all reasons that the confirmed cases are less than the real number of people carrying the disease. There was likely some fuckery going on in early January from the Wuhan authorities that I don't know the exact nature of yet.
When you go & conflate this with "China's lying about the numbers to save face" then you're making a huge leap of logic. If they're fudging numbers it's not to save face. There are other considerations like the economy (people's livelihoods) and limiting public panic. But these don't feed into the "communism is evil" agenda that styx obviously has as his go-to.
What IF there was a global deadly pandemic? Is it sensationalizing if you report that. Where do you draw the line?
There is a global pandemic. There already are others like regular flu, H1N1 etc. The only thing that's different with COVID19 is that it's new.
Responsible reporting would cover what YOUR health authorities are doing. What's your screening scenario like? How is your CDC handling it? Do you have enough testing kits, masks, anti-bacteria chemicals, hand sanitisers? What countries are still flying into your airports? Which airports? etc
If you want to get critical, why not find out exactly how the US-operated Diamond Princess ucked up so badly under the beauracracy of a similar liberal democracy in Japan? That would probably be more useful than talking a bunch of shit about China.
That's not to say you can't monitor events in China but when all indications point to China's handling of this since Jan 20th-ish being pretty fucking amazing & you have a guy telling you that the Chicoms are fucking it up & lying about it then you're wasting your time & he's just a self-promoter with a political agenda.
In conclusion, do I trust the numbers coming out of China 100%? no, not really. I don't need to though I think we have enough data to act on & I think their transparency is enough not to cause my country any serious problems. They'll likely be helping us out in time if the virus comes here. The testing kits, eventually a vaccine, the research etc. We need that shit to limit the damage.
Sorry to write a novel. We have a discord if you ever wanna chat: https://discord.gg/V3UkqN
(Old Spike)
Have you heard of the claims that there was a bio research facility a few kilometres away from ground zero?
(Old Spike)
yeah I've heard it. If you wanna chat we have a discord https://discord.gg/V3UkqN
couple things about the lab:
- it's 20km away from the wet market
- the 1st patient admitted to hospital never went to the wet market
- a bunch of scientists have said there's no indication that it's man-made
- the HK guy who wrote about it coming from the lab isn't even an expert in diseases, he's a physics professor & was just speculating based on coincidences
(Old Spike)
I would be glad to join you. I have company right now and I have to work out the drivers for my head set. But I'll let you know when I have some time to chat in a few days.
(Old Spike)
theres no vaccines for sars, or mers, what makes you think they'll be one for sars 2 electric boogaloo?
(Old Spike)
no idea. There's already one in development in China & another in USA but it won't be ready before 2021.
(Old Spike)
the hitler got rebranded and is an acceptable facial hair style(bottom row, 3rd from the left)