Please show PINGTRIP he's not alone by leaving an encouraging comment - something like this:
This means you've finally made it. YouTube only hurts itself like this with genuine successes. Understand that YouTube just hired 10,000 humorless moderators with severe cases of Dunning-Kruger, and they've noticed you. Congratulations!
(2 votes)
(Old Spike)
his content is crap
(Old Spike)
Don't tell me - tell PINGTRIP! Do you mean, like, all of his content or are you excluding the Supercuts?
He says he's sorry now:
(Old Spike)
he's sorry for bullying not for making subpar content
(Long Spike)
This is a bitchy little video. I like a few of his funny edits, but this was just someone bitching.
(Old Spike)
Ya he comes across here as a bit naive and then, in his anger, shows a bit of paranoia by concluding or assuming that the complaint came from "subscribers" to his channel that "he doesn't care about" because "they aren't giving him money on Patreon" and maybe he'll just stop doing the supercuts. WAAYYY too early to be that sensitive - has this guy not been paying attention? No YouTube does not have the most intelligent methods of screening videos - it would be inevitable for one of his vids to eventually get smacked.
I just had a mint Norm Macdonald clip yanked from my channel because the company that owned the rights, VPN, just sold the show to Netflix and Netflix has a "block Norm Macdonald Live worldwide" policy that I'm sure is making the owner of the channel "I'm not Norm" really sad. But that's YouTube - no point making an angry video about it. When I spoke to PINGTRIP a few months ago it was clear he was hoping to use the Supercuts as a launching platform for his own material, but based on this vid it looks like he let YouTube hurt his feelings, and you should never let YouTube hurt your feelings.
(Old Spike)
It always suprises me how people forget that Youtube advertising & video hosting is not a god-given right.