This pandemic's gonna be a gut check for the world to see which governments give a shit about the people & are capable of handling business.
(2 votes)
This pandemic's gonna be a gut check for the world to see which governments give a shit about the people & are capable of handling business.
(Site Administrator)
why are these people buying water?
personally i'd be focusing on filtration.
doesnt hurt to boil as well.
(Old Spike)
There's a mad rush for water & toilet paper.
It's better to get things that actually help prevent getting sick I reckon. If power & water go out then all bets are off anyway. I'd get gloves, tissues, goggles, face masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning products & maybe some dry foods just to feel safe in the case of city lockdown. And maybe some cash for bribes.
(sounds retarded)
Im stocked up for about 6 months, bought a pasta maker as well. Im still buying shit though and will until the very last moment. I stopped posting stuff about stocking on my facebook becuase I dont want anybody coming to me asking me for food when shit hits the fan. I did my part in warning people, they are on their own now. I'll be sitting at home eating my food watching this shit on the internet laughing at all the fools who are lining up at supermarkets hoping to get the last bits of supplies.
(Old Spike)
So you don't trust your leader when he says it is a democrat's scam?
This is fucking hillarious.
(Old Spike)
How is this going to prevent you from getting a virus? We need to stock up because there is a virus?
This is beyond bullshit
(Old Spike)
I guess it is not so much preventing the virus, although not leaving the house actually helps. It is more fear of supply routes being cut off.
(Short Spike)
From what we know about this virus, it's not that big of a deal. Any virus that speads through close human contact only is generally pretty harmless un the US. We can shut this virus down pretty damn quickly if we want to, it's just not a big enough issue yet to spend the time and effort doing so.
Only thing I bought is a couple of facemasks from my local hardware store. Needed them for their real use anyway.
Panic buying however is a much more bigger threat to the US.
(Old Spike)
Virus is not a big deal true, but the way it spreads is. It's stealty as fuck. What everyones trying to avoid is the scenario where you have everyone sick at the same time. Every one sick = everything grinds to a hault. Suddenly trivial things, becomes a shitshow.
Something lifethretning, yet easily fixed at the moment might put you out of commission permanently when there are no hospitalbeds or personel avaliable.
If we somehow can get a gradual and slow proliferation of covfefe 19 :P we should be good.
(Short Spike)
The end times are upon us !!!
Repent for your sins !!!
Bow to our lord Ahura Mazda and let the flame of the Eternal Fire purify your sins !!!
(Old Spike)