viva was in the election but he only got 3.3% of the vote. it kinda crushed him. he made a post election video. 20 minutes in and i got to take a break cause i've been smiling the whole time. he thought more people wanted change
(2 votes)
viva was in the election but he only got 3.3% of the vote. it kinda crushed him. he made a post election video. 20 minutes in and i got to take a break cause i've been smiling the whole time. he thought more people wanted change
(Old Spike)
I didnt understand a word of what they where saying so many ways of making fun of their accent but i guess that guy was not elected because he is an Arab
(Old Spike)
i think he's a jew. he didnt get elected because the polical party he belongs to is the only one thats against mask and vaccine mandates. guy never had a chance