
Pantysoaker's picture

Black Panther reviewed by Clarisse Loughrey

the fate of African Americans depends on the sucess of this movie

Average: 2.5 (6 votes)


Dhagon's picture

Anyone remember this gem?


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Benign Individual's picture

bitch please

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The Evil Bat's picture

Blade was a good movie/trilogy (had it's cheesy moments, bit dated now). Everyone seems to have forgotten about Blade.

Blade would tear Black Panther apart in a fight

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danmanjones's picture

Jesus she needs to inject some full stops into her bla blah.

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Dagambit's picture

Blankman, Handcock are a couple that come to mind as well. Just saying

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SirDraq's picture

Does Black Panther help poor Africans in the movie? Isn't he a bit of a cunt for hiding their progressive future technology from the rest of the country?

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Grothesk's picture

There is very much an outside chance that they directly tackle that issue in the movie.

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