Answering without answering


danmanjones's picture

"China's paying us tremendous tarrifs"

Does the president know how tarrifs work or nah?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Cute reporter focuses on the wrong thing. She should have asked for the calculations how mexico is going to "pay".


If this excess revenue (bilions and billions) from "deals" with mexico would exist in any real place other than in the smpotus' and his followers minds the democrats would not have many arguments against building a wall (or increasing border security) regardless of the material. 

It also would be a good idea to actually show calculations of the net benefits of building "the wall", be it crime statistics or revenue or unemployment rates, again IF they existed outside the minds of the deluded, to make the democrats open to this solution.....


The comedy continues and unfortunately gets dumber and dumber. Still entertaining, though. 

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