Anti-Vaxxers As Viewed Through a Psychology Lens


backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Although I don't want the vaccine passport to become a thing, as it can lead to other unforseen consequences, I'd kinda like to see it implemented just to see it blow up in their face. 


Forcing people by shaming or "second class citizenship" just won't work, it never has and never will. If he's some sort of psychology professor he should know this. You're just making the division between people bigger.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'd agree with you if we started with shaming and second class citizenship but we didnt. we tried education, censorship and cash incentives. one side going down a list of ways to convince the other to take a vaccine and the other group is going down a list of things to try other than the vaccine

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theblackswordsman's picture
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That's right. Censorship doesn't work, Some people won't be bribed, Some people will not be threatened.


Don't you just hate free will? Your crappy tyranny tactics keep failing every time. The more the state does, the greater the number of patriots created. The more oppressive the state gets, the more angry people become.


You: We tried all of these things, and some people just won't take it. There is no excuses left."


That's right, there are no excuses. Some people just don't want it.


You'll just have to deal with it. Forever.


Now if all of you redirect your wrath towards the state (The people that are actually causing your misery.)


Then this can be over in weeks.


In the mean time I'll wait. They can restrict everything and my life still won't be affected.


Every business that complies with these measures is just telling me where my money is better spent. Every service that complies with this, is just telling me the skills I need to learn.


I see this as a wonderful opportunity for people to rely on themselves.

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GKhan's picture

Just got to watching this. Great vid that really filled in lots of the details about that initial austism/vaccine report. Would've liked to see more details at a bilogical or environment level on why people are anti-vaxxers or not. It's interesting to have siblings with two strong opposing views like that. 

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