I forget... why do people not trust government agencies again?
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Dude (Old Spike)
This is normal procedure,
-you can't make appointments for checking the books,
-when selling weapons don't tell ppl you distrust the government,
-if the books have errors that is your own fault,
-government can take pictures of any books especialy when checking the legitimacy of a company who sells guns.
This entire thing looks like a ruse to promote a gun store to crazy youtubers 7:30
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sato (Old Spike)
i checked and no, it isn't. in fact the ATF is legally prohibited from centralizing records of gun ownership. what she is doing here is completely illegal. what she's supposed to be doing is checking for errors or anything dubious in the paperwork, and leaving without taking any copies. the only exception to this is when a gun store goes out of business, in which case their records must be turned over to the ATF, but again they cannot be centralized or searchable. also the OCR software she is using is illegal. when a gun store goes out of business the records can be digitized but must remain as images, not searchable text.
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Dude (Old Spike)
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Raining Blood (Long Spike)
nothing like coming home to find your mate shot, the gun that was used to kill them is lying next to the body and you know that they have absolutely no way of figuering out who owns the gun unless the gun store that it was purchased at has gone tits up. just thinking about how people are against gun registries is amazing. think of a cop who gets called to a home because of a druken domestic abuse call. wouldnt it be in the officers best interest if they know their is a potential gun involved?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Talking common sense to guntards is a waste of time.
(Old Spike)
This is normal procedure,
-you can't make appointments for checking the books,
-when selling weapons don't tell ppl you distrust the government,
-if the books have errors that is your own fault,
-government can take pictures of any books especialy when checking the legitimacy of a company who sells guns.
This entire thing looks like a ruse to promote a gun store to crazy youtubers 7:30
(Old Spike)
i checked and no, it isn't. in fact the ATF is legally prohibited from centralizing records of gun ownership. what she is doing here is completely illegal. what she's supposed to be doing is checking for errors or anything dubious in the paperwork, and leaving without taking any copies. the only exception to this is when a gun store goes out of business, in which case their records must be turned over to the ATF, but again they cannot be centralized or searchable. also the OCR software she is using is illegal. when a gun store goes out of business the records can be digitized but must remain as images, not searchable text.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
nothing like coming home to find your mate shot, the gun that was used to kill them is lying next to the body and you know that they have absolutely no way of figuering out who owns the gun unless the gun store that it was purchased at has gone tits up. just thinking about how people are against gun registries is amazing. think of a cop who gets called to a home because of a druken domestic abuse call. wouldnt it be in the officers best interest if they know their is a potential gun involved?
(Old Spike)
Talking common sense to guntards is a waste of time.