Bach, Violin Concerto in A minor, Lara St. John, 1st mvt., BWV 1041

tumbi's picture

Bach, Violin Concerto in A minor, Lara St. John, 1st mvt., BWV 1041

The first movement of Bach's A minor violin concerto, performed by Lara St. John, accompanied by a graphical score by Stephen Malinowski.

Average: 4.9 (7 votes)


Mori's picture

We can now enjoy the classics with squares. Life just can't get any better than this.

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Pdub's picture

You could make tons of hit pop songs just by chopping this up and putting a good beat and singer/rapper on it.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Yes, yes you can... But when it's time to play a show...

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