Bronze Age China

danmanjones's picture

Bronze Age China. Shang and Zhou dynasties history explained

Bronze age is a fascinating period, particularly in China & Mesopotamia, where the foundation of modern tech spawned & where we finally have some records of wtf was going on. Before the Bronze Age is just crazy territory with some shit nobody can explain.


The Bronze Age is generally considered 3000BC - 1200BC. This video goes a bit beyond that up to the first empire in China ~250BC.

In Mesopotamia the Bronze Age Collapse & then the power struggle between empires is another fascinating period from which the Greeks rose to power. We tend to overplay the role Greeks had in the history of civilisation in popular Western history, probably because of the influence the Roman emipire & religion had on Europe.



This infographic gives an idea of where a lot of the tech that shaped the world comes from...


I'm not trying to discount the contributions made by Europeans to the modern world here, just filling in some knowledge gaps that most Westerners, including myself tend to have in our perception of history. It's more of a 'memory hole' post, don't get triggered.


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Fullauto223cal's picture

Of course European's invented Western Civilization.  WC isn't defined by all that shit in your chart, it's defined by systems of Government and Law.

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danmanjones's picture

Yeah the title of the infographic is a bit messed up. I don't think civilisation is all about the form of government though, it's a bunch of things incl culture & tech, the advancements feed off themselves. Eg. it's a bit hard to have laws when you don't have a written language.

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