Canadian Douche Nozzle

daftcunt's picture

Quebec plate 242 PLJ

I fam quite fond of the expression "douche nozzle". 


douche nozzle........ nice.....

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)


stokkebye's picture

Was this you driving? I was up in Quebec last week, came across some assholes, problem for them is I take the challenge to be a bigger asshole. I keep pennies in my cup holder for situations like this as I simply start flinging a few pennies at their cars. Hehehe. There was an asshole from Florida cutting in front of everyone at the border so I started throwing my pennies at his car and yelling at him. I think he knew I would beat his ass if he pushed it cuz he just ignored me like a little bitch.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

No, neither of them are me, I live in spain.

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sato's picture

yeah that's a completely clear douche nozzle. obv wanted to overtake the car on the right because it was going slower, but the slower car clearly indicated it was moving out of the passing lane, so all it needed to do to get by was wait a second or two for it to be clear. only other real explanation then is he thought that slower car shouldn't have been in 'his' lane in the first place and wanted 'revenge'. could also be that something did actually happen before the clip starts and the porsche driver does have a legitimate bone to pick, but everyone else is driving so well that seems very unlikely. only remaining reason i can think of is he's one of those douche nozzles that gets his daily fill of making himself feel like he's better by just deciding that everyone else is terrible and taking hereoic action against it.

don't get me wrong there's a place for that, and it's when people are actually driving like assholes and need to be called on their shit or it'll continue for the rest of their driving lives and cause an accident some day. in mind are those vids of trucks surrounding a car that kept brake-checking a truck for no legitimate reason, and the guy literally thrown out of a taxi after throwing litter from the window.


btw canadians clearly have good lane discipline. see how everyone is staying in the outside lane and only using inside to pass? nobody driving on the inside lane at the same speed like it was just another lane. one of the reasons there are more crashes in the us compared to canada.

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skeptoid's picture

Based on what my former colleague who was X British Air Force has told me and what I observed while in the UK they have very good Lane discipline and I guess because Canada is always a cross between the UK and the United States were not so bad and then yes in the United States it's a fucking nightmare. It's also a nightmare in Quebec and often in the greater Toronto area.

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sato's picture

thanks. makes sense, the french famously don't give a shit about others on the road. UK has safest roads in europe, and i'm pretty sure in the world. australia is a lot like the video, most are good with the occasional douche nozzle. loads of terrible drivers here in japan, though most aren't douches they just don't realize the trouble they're causing holding up tons of traffic. there are a couple of videos on youtube about "great japanese drivers", but all are on country highways where it is much better, and those roads aren't the norm.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester
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sli0701948's picture

Easy. Take the next exit and go fuel or take a snack. Visit for 10 minutes and go back on the highway. Or throw pennies at him and don't make boring video of ethernal lamentations.

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