You (should) know who you are. And yes, I do not only mean the members of the "pro china" cult but also those of the "contra pro china" cult. It was funny for a while but you are so fuckiung pathetic and sad, it ain't any longer. Nobody outside your little group takes you seriously anyway.
Every sane person left on here I would like to encourage to post a copy of this video as a reply on every post and comment of the chinatards until they lose interest or their retarded heads explode.
(6 votes)
(Old Spike)
Time for a No China May?
(Long Spike)
Oh, we're going to get silenced again? And gangstalked now. Nice!!
(Long Spike)
Nah, no thanks. China sucks.
(Site Moderator)
I concur. It's fucking tiresome.
If you guys want to troll each other, just pick a thread and stay there.
(Old Spike)
Yea i pretty much just click on a random video and say TRUMP 2020 without even watching it lol. This place blows ever since it became democratic
(Long Spike)
nothing funny being posted, just politics. This is why most sites ban politics in the first place ffs.