link below is to the guy that organised it. goes on about the great replacement, gays, lesbians, muslims, soros. you know, the normal stuff
(2 votes)
link below is to the guy that organised it. goes on about the great replacement, gays, lesbians, muslims, soros. you know, the normal stuff
(Old Spike)
Who the fuck uses Twitter? I know a few pretty conservative Christians - actually a LOT of them - and NONE of them use Twitter. Organizing something on Twitter is like sending up a red flag that you're a government plant. There is significant evidence emerging that Trudeau is deploying military and civilian intelligence forces agains his own domestic population. Legalization of cannabis certainly wasn't worth it in the end, was it? We got drunk on Turkish delight and now will pay the price.
I want to see more than just Trudeau in prison - let's not let his brown shirts get away scott free, eh?
(Site Administrator)
you always wanna put people in prison for preceived ideological problems
Redguardoid hehe
(Old Spike)
Treason is punishable by death, so prison is a generous sentence.
CBC is getting desperate since no one believes them anymore.
And all government has to do is lift all the measures and this is over with the snap of a finger.
But instead they want to make the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike suffer with starvation now.
For your health of course.
(Old Spike)
Ths is what happens when a pampered boy is given the position of leader of a country. I don't think people understand what's bubbling and boiling in the rural spaces of the Canadian country-side. I can damn well tell you Trudeau doesn't understand it, and that's a very bad thing for all of us. Things need to be de-escalated, and he seems bent on escalating to the maximum degree possible.