Dawkins agrees with religious nutters


Bobbob's picture
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Who 1-stars a video like this. You got two guys, one artsy one academic discussing ideas with Richard Dawkins, Biologist who's finally sticking, mostly, to ideas under his area of expertise. I enjoyed the bit where he talks about the current state-of-the-art of evolutionary studies, looking at the % difference in genetic make-up to tell the distance (between tree branches) between 2 species. Hippopotami are closer to whales than whales are to rhinoceri, y'all,... wut wuuuuuuut? Fantastic!


Don't be sad, dog, about uncle Dawki agreeing that we're more than a collection of molecules. Remember that with age comes wisdom... well.. 9 times out of 10 maybe.

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2 lols don't make a right though.

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