So I never really was able to wrap my head around this: the DNC isn't really a government force, is it? Are they governed by any entity or process? At the end of the day, are the primary voting sessions they have really them asking for me, as a Democrat, to tell them who to run? Or is it more a litmus test?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
It's all a bit confusing but after 10 mins on wikipedia I found.........
The DNC does fund raising, party platform promotion & chooses the nominee for the presidential race. It's an organising body for the Democrat party, not a part of the federal government at all. The way a candidate is chosen to be the presidential nominee is a convention (not a law). Republicans have a similar convention but it's a bit different.
The (D) nominee is chosen democratically by delegates & superdelegates. Delegates are the (D) House of Rep's members & 85% weight is given to their votes for nominee. Superdelegates are more prominent Democrats (active or otherwise). Their votes account for 15% of the nomination.
So your vote in the primaries is a litmus test by I think by convention, your local rep will cast their vote for the nominee based on the results of the primary in your area. Superdelegates cast their vote to whoever they want.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Looking at the goals here:
1) Fail - yes you needed ALL locked in to extreme conservative positions. You missed one - dude went populist on you.
2) Biggest fail and in my opinion the main reason the Dems lost
3) Obvious fail, although I did note a strong effort. E for effort.
How could they not have realized that a populist was what at least half the country desperately yearned for? They propped him up, and then he shat all over them.
(Long Spike)
So I never really was able to wrap my head around this: the DNC isn't really a government force, is it? Are they governed by any entity or process? At the end of the day, are the primary voting sessions they have really them asking for me, as a Democrat, to tell them who to run? Or is it more a litmus test?
(Old Spike)
It's all a bit confusing but after 10 mins on wikipedia I found.........
The DNC does fund raising, party platform promotion & chooses the nominee for the presidential race. It's an organising body for the Democrat party, not a part of the federal government at all. The way a candidate is chosen to be the presidential nominee is a convention (not a law). Republicans have a similar convention but it's a bit different.
The (D) nominee is chosen democratically by delegates & superdelegates. Delegates are the (D) House of Rep's members & 85% weight is given to their votes for nominee. Superdelegates are more prominent Democrats (active or otherwise). Their votes account for 15% of the nomination.
So your vote in the primaries is a litmus test by I think by convention, your local rep will cast their vote for the nominee based on the results of the primary in your area. Superdelegates cast their vote to whoever they want.
(Old Spike)
Looking at the goals here:
1) Fail - yes you needed ALL locked in to extreme conservative positions. You missed one - dude went populist on you.
2) Biggest fail and in my opinion the main reason the Dems lost
3) Obvious fail, although I did note a strong effort. E for effort.
How could they not have realized that a populist was what at least half the country desperately yearned for? They propped him up, and then he shat all over them.
(Long Spike)