Dr. Jordan Peterson doubles down


Bobbob's picture
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Thanks for posting! 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

no worries bro, i'm always willing to post the things you really don't want to. you know,


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Bobbob's picture
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Yep. You're doing God's work. A valuable community service. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'm doing a better job then god. haven't drowned any innocents or taking taking peoples first born

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Bobbob's picture
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Ah yes, the atheist approach  of reducing God, humanizing and judging by your lofty standards. You left off AIDS, cancer and plagues by the way.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

god works in mysterious ways but sal9000 only fucks assholes

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Bobbob's picture
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Never been interested in your sexual preference.

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warriorcookie's picture

THE sexual tension in this room Is too damn high - Jimmy McMillan -  quickmeme

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

just everyone else's?

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Bobbob's picture
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ehm...no?  Check my file and get back to me though. Also gay epithets being tossed around by Fritz. I think he's getting set to hand out purple triangles below. Go get him tiger.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you know, if you type in the search field, bobbob gay. it will show every thread where those two things show up

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Bobbob's picture
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Bet you already did it though.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

bob, i'm the guy that tracked peoples points, knowing who's voting, where they're voting and how they're voting. i play a game where i figure out who commenting in posts without clicking the posts to the point where i roughly know who's going to comment in what posts. over the last 9 months i've visited your profile page 171 times, i've ran a search for various things along with your name 261 times and that's just you. the reality of the situation is that a conversation with me, is a conversation with someone that knows just about everything you've ever said along with the experience of talking to people who said the same things

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Bobbob's picture
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Everything said on this site, maybe. And even then, for me and others on here, you'll run into trouble if you don't factor in a healthy amount of ironic or sarcastic speech. And depending on how far back you're able to look some of us would have been much younger men in our late teens or early twenties when we started on spikedhumor. ...still you seem very committed (remember that's a homonym) and everyone needs a hobby I guess.


Regarding names..you wouldn't be referring to personal info ie. doxing now, would you?

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Ooh, no reply on doxing. Is that a confirmation of guilt or did you simply get your argument fix such that you're good for a while Sal? 

You know the site's zero- tolerance policy on that, so wanting to give you the opportunity to clarify what you mean by 'name' above.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'm in no rush, i've had tabs open with replies written to conversations that are now 5 or 6 months old. it's all part of one long conversation. mentioning doxing isn't an easy out and not going to instigate a feeling of shame. i have no reason to, i have nothing to gain from it and shame isn't what i feel. it's more of a feeling of appreciation for how good i've gotten at something when i had to cheat at the start

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Bobbob's picture
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You're 'in no rush', dancing around a simple question. We'll say we have our answer. And you're telling us you're playing the long game, is that it? That you're 'good' now, having had to cheat only at the start. Well, that's the thing about cheaters, Sal, you're always prone to taking shortcuts. In fact it's the ones such as you that congratulate themselves early that are saddest to learn they missed the lightning round cause they were too busy counting their chips. Or sucking their own dicks to use the parlance du jour (just wanted to be sure you get it in case you don't play cards). 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'm going to be honest, that seems like an poorly constructed and thought out paragraph written in rush. more lashing out then saying anything of merit. you even co-opted they way i used good. it feels like the reply i was making would be a waste. i'll let you have do-over

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Bobbob's picture
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No need. We're good, you and I.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

we're not good. it hasn't been a year since you were talking about not voting out of spite, not painting with a broad brush or attacking the position instead of the person. now you've added some flare to an account. if you think about who you were and who you are now, do you think you're good?

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Bobbob's picture
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Shiz Sal9k, you remembered. That's right. 'not voting out of spite, not painting with a broad brush or attacking the position instead of the person'..all good traits we should aspire to on this site.  And how, dear Sal would you say you rank along these 3 dimensions. I'll tell you, just looking at some of the accusations you so comfortably make above+below... not very well. The conversation not going the way you imagined...the way you planned.  Well, enjoy your new bling. It suits you.

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daftcunt's picture
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Bobbob's picture
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Next week when they adjust the color of the rainbow again a bunch of us are hoping that purple lines up with His palms (the blue doesn't show the nail marks well enough).

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daftcunt's picture
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We all know you believe gayboy died for your sins, no need to mark it in pre crucifornication depictions.


Rathbone | Jesus was gay memes | Instagram

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Bobbob's picture
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'gayboy'?? That's a homophobic slur. @Sal, bring your virtue signalling self down here to defend 'being born that way' or 'choosing how to identify' or whatever from Fritz over here. 😂

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daftcunt's picture
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Sorry little buddy, I meant panboy.....

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Bobbob's picture
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You're not collecting stamps pretty hard there ain't ya, friend? Antitheist, through and through. Just own it instead of pussyfooting about. I mean, you're the one went elbow deep in his 'chicks with dicks' folder all the while claiming atheism is passive. Le lolz.

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daftcunt's picture
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Not anti-theist, just anti-idiot, little buddy.

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Bobbob's picture
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But you're trying so hard and I want to recognize your efforts. Antitheist to the core.  Also, I'm not your little buddy, chum..p.


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daftcunt's picture
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Oh, little buddy, don't get upset.

"Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure.”

~George Carlin

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Such fervent belief, on your part. How's that application for official religious status coming?

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daftcunt's picture
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I already am officially ordained as a pastafari minister, little buddy. 

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n0val33t's picture
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Afik even the great Carlin had nothing against personal beliefs as long as they don't fuck with his life. This should be included no? 

If you think shitting on a person for his beliefs is ok..... you're taking Carlin's name in vain! I'm sorry, you can no longer wear the spaghetti strainer!

As a Pastafarian of the highest order, You are cast out! 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Dog is passively 'not collecting stamps' so haaaaaard.  His efforts need to be acknowledged. Please tell us you got official religion status since we last spoke.

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n0val33t's picture
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We unfortunately can not confirm or deny Dafts habits as a stamp collector...(had to look that on up!) We have not reached tax-exempt status no, no

Switching gears: This anti-religion shit fucked us in the ass didn't it, now we got Trump and a right wing EU parliament.

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daftcunt's picture
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@n0val33t I am 100% with Carlin on that.  And I never attacked our little buddy for their PERSONAL belief. If anything I critizised the religious sects (here: christianity) as such. I also asked them questions about the reason for their belief *. They did answer very vaguely of course, and always quickly diverted when things got a bit too detailed or difficult, soon name calling started (including nazi references) and also the typical "atheism is a religion" bullshit that always is last resort when these kind of people run out of arguments and feel cornered.
In our "discussions" I also challenged them why they feel superior not only to members of other religions and (of course) atheists but also to other subsects of chrisitanity like catholics. I offered that this kind of behaviour is not very "christian", which was responded to by more name calling.

I then got "invited" by them to "bond over" islam bashing, which I politely declined because I see no sense in "discussing islam" when all the muslims (moderate as well as radicals like ninjizz and apologists like bannik) apparently left the site. 

All this and their skeptoidesque obsession with peterson led to me not taking our little buddy seriously any longer.

As you can see they worked hard on our "relationship" and thus brought on and earned the ridicule them self.

* in the sense of "I have the same information and see no reason for a belief in a deity" and that we should not look at the "existence of a creator" as the default position, i.e. the one that needs to be disproved but should rather FIND evidence for their existence.

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n0val33t's picture
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@daftcuntI "also asked them questions about the reason for their belief" That's a bit personal no? Just out of consideration, I would never go there. In Scandinavia right now, Christian kids have to hide their beliefs, I am trying to look at the big picture, faith seems to work for a lot of people, Still, whenever it's brought up "yeah but the kid fucking" we weaponize it, By the gods I know I have. 


I shit on Bobbob for wishes of a happy Easter...wtf... why!?

I don't want to be all kumbaya and we are the world, but you all arguing for argument's sake. Both you and Bob... it's the impression I'm left with. 

Bannik,holy fuck!!!..... well I can respect his tenacity! I would have left the site after a day of what he went through.... in a fetal position never to touch a keyboard again. He wasn't even that bad iirc?

This took me a long time to write btw!



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

What did bannik go through on here? He was the SN troll, always happy to lash out and mock but not so good when he was on the receiving end, if I remember correctly.


Also with bob the whole thing started out of a conversation, he then went south rather quickly. They could have decided to just not reply any more but if there's on cunt on here that cannot not have the last word....... well you know who. 

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n0val33t's picture
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Was Bannik a troll? No,, what I saw was groupthink, you shut everything down....the community I mean! He could present a grand theory for everything and still, everyone would shit on it!

No offence, it's an observation. It's doesn't really matter what he said, it how a community handled it... 


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

He even won the "troll competition" remember?

Also:I  shut everything down? what did I do?


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n0val33t's picture
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Ooops... auto-correct I suspect, it was supposed to say "you-all" God I hate reading shit I've written. Actually, i can't remember much of Bannik apart from the length of the treads,  I just caught some glimpse and just tuned out and looked for something funny instead. Maybe I should not talk about things I can't remember correctly! 


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Bobbob's picture
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Oh dear. @Daftcunt I always knew you weren't big on accuracy, but putting in quotes as you do above where you say I ,..'invited to'...'bond over'...'.muslim bashing'...'relationship'...

Jeez Daftcunt, is it narcissism or homoeroticism you're going for. I mean you're welcome to link back to where I actually said that. I wish you would. Otherwise just in case you misfolded a protein /memory or two when you last put them away, a reminder. I haven't asked you to bash muslims so we can bond. Far from it. I've called you out as a hypocrite, repeatedly, for attacking religion from the safety of a Christian founded republic, with all the freedoms this allows. The only time I've gotten remotely personal is when I say I'm willing to blow air miles to fly down to Malta just so I can drive you and the family to the airport when you decide to move to the (for example) Sharia-run republic of your choice where you can continue to voice loudly your 'passive' beliefs that objective good is built in to human DNA and that 'stamp collecting' is of course..the best. See how that works for you.  Until then, you continue to be a putz, climbing on the shoulders of a man, just so you can spit on his head.

Big hug. Still a good man though.

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hello kitty's picture

What a Debby Double Downer

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Bobbob's picture
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n0val33t's picture
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I don't know what the fuck is going on! This is Bobbob he's a treasure. Sal... relax and Daft, we are to old for this! Maybe massage our egos a bit. 

All 3 of you would be perfect friends..... much like the dogs barking behind the fence! 


You're spit roasting Boobjob, I love Bob... he's honest and kind...

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you want to associate yourself to all of his anti-trans, anti-gay comments?

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n0val33t's picture
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I have no idea, he's a gentle polite man with a heart....either way, anti-gay/trans is none of my business! Yes, I have no problem associating with Bobbob! 

Going DEFCON1 on people's beliefs.... . This is how men end up without friends! I'm not here to play games or get into arguments.... that's another n0va, and he's not here right now!

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daftcunt's picture
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Bobbob's picture
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Not clicking on your link cause I bet it's going to result in more YouTube videos in my feed of middle-aged german women trying on see-thru panties while making uncomfortable eye contact with the camera.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, prejudiced much, little buddy? Scared too? Figures.
It is actually British comedy (skip to 2:48 for the "naughty bit"):


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Bobbob's picture
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No, she was fine. A specimen. It's just that creepy stare, you know she's seen some weird (German)stuff.

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daftcunt's picture
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Nobody is interested in your weird sexual fantasies, little buddy. 

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Bobbob's picture
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He muttered. Looking down at his penis.

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daftcunt's picture
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Again, nobody cares, little buddy.

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Bobbob's picture
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Stop tormenting your willy with such talk. Have you tried showing it a little encouragement now and then?

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Bobbob's picture
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N0val, thanks for the kind words. It's appreciated. But they're not spit roasting anyone. If I'm up on my gay terminology this is more 'docking' between the two of them. Sal has been keeping a folder making me anti-gay and anti-trans don't you know. Istophobe galore.  Tactic number three right after bitching and screeching in the victim's guide to being oppressed handbook.  Daftcunt hurls gay epithets and gets a pass cause he's an ally in this moment. Politics and strange bedfellows.. and overall some really solid convictions right there.

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Raining Blood's picture

hey, i hope you got permission to add badges cause that didn't work out for the other guy.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, well. If you're never gonna exercise Admin privileges at all, why put in the effort. If you must know it was either Tiara Tantrum or that SJW howling 'nooooooo' at the sky...

(Maybe king Solomon who sits on his throne in judgment of others.. I'll think on it...Done thinking. It's fine like that).

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Raining Blood's picture

you're in charge of the image gallery. you're not an admin, you're not a moderator. you're misusing tools that came with being in charge of the gallery. while you're pondering whether or not he stepped over the line or could. you stepped over the line.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Well thanks RB for your opinion. The fact is I've been exercising Admin rights as part of the team deleting Spam accounts (and their post history) for the better part of a year now. Trying to keep you from ordering Pakistani asbestos chunks painted Viagra blue. Kind of hurt you didn't notice the improvement. Anyway, your objection is noted. Thanks.

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Raining Blood's picture

does adding a badge to someones profile you disagree fall within the parameters of deleting spam accounts? what you did, is what dan would do. whatever happens, remember, i tried to tell you.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

I'll agree that although Dan crossed the line between participant and impartial admin numerous times, we won't deny he had guile. As for 'whatever happens', RB.. let's see. If you look above our friend has a new found appreciation, nostalgia even. After re-reviewing his files he's concluded Bobbob, (gay and trans-hating istophobe he's been dubbed just a few paragraphs above), previously had a better nature. That he advocated attacking the position and not the person. And where's that Bobbob at? Tell me that you're not impressed seeing Sal9k brought down to his senses (even if just a little. even if temporarily) by a little girl wearing a tiara; upset cause she didn't have her way. Sleep on it. It might seem better tomorrow.

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Raining Blood's picture

Bobbob, you're creating a situation where you're going to drown and we're going to watch it happen. you've been part of something for years, but you haven't been the leading force behind them. because you've watched other people do stuff, you assume you can do the same. if you think your outcome is going to be any different to dan, skeptoids, theblackswordsman... you're lying to yourself.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Again, thanks RB. The thread is called doubling down, after all (ironic). Hoping it's in a little better perspective now after 2 sleeps.

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Raining Blood's picture

2 sleeps? 2 SLEEPS? he's probably dredged the entire site of every comment you've ever made, i can't believe you gave him 2 sleeps. are you crazy?

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n0val33t's picture
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You comparing Boobjob to Skeptoid and Blackswordsman...wtf are you on about! Should't you be more worried about other things said in this thread?

Scroll up!

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Raining Blood's picture

opinions are slightly different but they're essentially the same type of personality. in the same situation doing the same thing.



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n0val33t's picture
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Again you worry about Bob .... isn't there something significantly x10 more problematic? Just humour me, read the post top to bottom. If you can't see it .... I don't know what more to say! ..... I'm not going to spell it out!


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Raining Blood's picture

reading top to bottom, sal said things Bob doesn't like and he didn't break any rules in doing so. Bob being unable to respond in kind, resorted to adding a badge to sal's account and accused him of doxing. if a admin were to come in and sort this out. sal hasn't done anything. that's why i'm not worried about sal. unless Bob can somehow convince the admin that remembering things should be against the rules.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Listen..., RB? Clearly if that's what you got reading 'top to bottom' that may have something to do with the fluoride both you and S9k have in your drinking water. The 2 night's sleep was for you. Maybe try a 3rd.   Also, irony of ironies that new 'Tiara Tantrum' badge was only going to go up as a joke, for like 2 or 3 days but I'm really starting to like it. The *other* admins are aware and know they can remove it anytime...

Oh shit. Look at that..it's still there. Nite.

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Raining Blood's picture

3 days on and i only realized how bad of situation you're in. to start. no matter what happens. anybody who disagrees with you can first vocalize their assumption you're going to give them a badge. it's now and act that will be associated to you. to explain a bit about your situation.

1. if people had to pick between you and sal, they're going with sal. you lose.

2. if the badge gets removed for any reason, you lose.

3. if the issue escalates and someone has to step in, 1 and 2 will happen, you'll lose. more specifically, you have to prevent an escalation or you lose.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

RB, I'm noticing (well.. some of us are) that other than the i) fluorinated water the two of you now ii) also share an inflated estimate of S9k's apparent worth along with iii) a perception of (his) victimhood of course. The thing about three points is they do help draw rather a straight line.  But anyway, let me propose another option:


4. Do absolutely nothing and..

..Oh shit. Look at that..it's still there. (We both are).  Nite.

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n0val33t's picture
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Not about rules...but there you have it.....if you can't see it, I can't help you. 

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daftcunt's picture
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@Raining Blood: The similarities are striking, aren't they. And he seems to get more vicious by the day but fortunately nobody he tries to insult so pathetically seems to take him seriously. The badge thing is quite funny as little bob is the one known for "throwing the toys out the pram" actually.

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Bobbob's picture
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Thanks dog for weighing in. You know, sometimes a guy isn't sure of his actions. He's not sure what side of an argument he falls on. But then you weigh in with your...I dunno... perspective  let's call it and it's a lot easier to get your bearings. Thanks pupper.

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n0val33t's picture
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I chose my words poorly! Apologies.... don't want to cause a fuss, but there is clearly docking going on. How did it start? ... this fucking pointless shit of antagonism. 


To much ego here... Let's appeal to Daft, breaks your heart when dogs don't get along, it's rare but it happens.He's my dog dude, he doesn't know it, but we are! Love the guy

And Sal ok he's not a people person, he posts the best content on the site, and it's funny even when he's playing his games!.... 2 weeks from no a clip is going to show up and he's going to wreck me for this.... in a way that rubs me wrong.... fucking love him to! 

As long as people are relatively sane and post funny interesting stuff, that's Spiked for me.... it's fucking home.... yeah gay, but yeah. So many f.. years. 


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Bobbob's picture
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I know guy. It's just going round openly touting that you're batshit crazy like it's a good thing and smearing folks all the while floating the idea that doxing is an option (in future) and you might see even some of the polite ones reach their limit. By all means, hand out the lube. But don't be getting your hopes up.

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n0val33t's picture
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There will be no doxing, period! ...... loooooong list of old spikes who just never speak, who got blisters on their fingers!

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