Mon, 2019-09-16 08:35 — TheWeirdo Dude calls out Johnny Video of Dude calls out Johnny And Johnny answers Thst tap @ 1:30 is beautiful. Lol! 4 Average: 4 (4 votes)
(Short Spike)
I have no idea what I just watched. Is the long haired dude trying to act tough or something? Because he just looks like a moron to me.
Yeah, lol. To everybody.
According to the YT description, the long hair guy bet 100$ Johnny couldn't beat his ass.
(Old Spike)
Apparently i lost 100 dollars to some guy named Johnny
(Long Spike)
Man with long hair cops good hits from a man who's hair is doing an impersonation of Spock.
(Long Spike)
alfalfa popped butthead but good.
(Old Spike)
According to youtube this has 5.5 million veiws. What? How? Why?
(Long Spike)