get the f*kn jab

sal9000's picture

get the f*kn jab

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Fake person "Makes history"
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skeptoid's picture

This is going to end with you standing on a street corner screaming gibberish at strangers as they pass by.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

how long will it take? do i skip right over alternative social media like bitchute, gttr, parler, odysee, gab and just start walking the streets?

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skeptoid's picture

Case in point - you have a conceptualization of the world that is not woke that is already so divergent from what actual reality is that I don't think it should take very long. All it needs is another person who isn't part of the exploitative woke establishment alliance to be elected and your crazy will immediately shine through brighter than it ever has before.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

not very long. just long. so maybe in 3 years, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20 years.... does you're civil war with estimates of 200k dead come before or after i'm walking the streets?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

You will be the ones to start the civil war. All you need is a few more lies, a few more false acts of terrorism, and then government to offer to handle your "problem" for you. 


You want to kick us out of society. We say fine have it.


You want to take our jobs. We say fine have your crappy jobs.


You want to say stay in your corner and stay out of yours. We say fine, we are in better company anyway.


But when you feel you have justification to rob us of our right to speak, our right to exist, and our right to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Then you will learn what hatred and oppression really is.


In that time, your false heirarchy of victimhood will crumble.

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