guy shot at a cop yesterday


stokkebye's picture

At least he had good shooting skills. Should always carry at least 300 hundred rounds in your vehicle though. 30 rd mags are like $30. Took my daughter to a gun store yesterday and had a long talk about spending money vs cost of your life. How much is you life worth? Is it more than a couple hundred bucks you might save in getting a cheaper low quality AR-15 style rifle? A few hundred in mags like this guy? This guy ran out of ammo. You dont want to be in a firefight and have your gun jam because you went with the cheap model, or run out of ammo because you didnt spend money on mags and ammo. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now here is one case where you would actually want the camera guy to have an appropriate gun!

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stokkebye's picture

Stay in your lane! Observe and report, right?

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