He Did It Again Boys!


PizzaBoi's picture

I logged on again just to LOL. The last 4 years have been nothing but Democrat incompetence. They're not even trying to hide their corruption anymore. They deserve every ass kicking they get.

I'm no Trump fan. But I voted against the abomination that the Democratic Party has become. Excuse me while I go take a long, cold shower.

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3pointdog's picture

Care to give some examples what democrat corruption you're referring to?

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PizzaBoi's picture

Doing Bernie dirty. Twice.


Going after Kavanaugh with no evidence.

Fake impeachment scandal.

Calling him racist, sexist, misogynist, white supremacist at every single turn.

Ignoring Biden's sexual harrassment claims

Ignoring Hunter Biden's dirty dealings


And that's just off the top of my head.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

russiagate didn't clear him of wrong doing. its just you can do anything to a sitting president and mueller even said that you can go after him for obsruction of justice once he's out of office.

do you remember sonia sotomayor?

what do you call someone who barges into womens changerooms. says grab her by the pussy and tells people who are perceived to be white nationals to stand back and stand by?

ingoring trumps sexual harrassment claims

ignoring trumps kids charity fraud

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PizzaBoi's picture

Not pretending Repub's ain't corrupt. But an entire media basically turning a blind eye to Democrat corruption makes me skeptical of all claims.


And Mueller was a sad, old, joke. What a giant waste of taxpayer money.


Oh, Trump's a jackass, big news. I only care about what people with political power do, not what they say.

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3pointdog's picture

ROFL how ironic... u jinxed it

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

Trump already said he won

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skeptoid's picture
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