lol that was awesome! people are not going to like it at all though, remember how many of them still think masks stop viruses and only idiots think otherwise.
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
Stop viruses? What part of your alternate dimension did you get that from? They don't prevent the wearer from getting them but they decrease the spread to a small degree. That's something. Oh I guess doing nothing is better in your alternate reality. Say hello to the rest of your cult while your there.
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sato (Old Spike)
no they don't decrease it at all. look at your own picture. all the mask is doing is changing air flow, sending less virus straight in front in exchange for more up into the air where it can circulate further before falling back down past face level.
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Maxpower (Old Spike)
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Seamonkey89 (Member)
This is clever propaganda not reality. You're (hopefully) wereing two masks right now. Both over your butthole. When you fart people can smell it 10 feet away but no better if you're not wearing pants at all. Please also consider that when you breath, you're expelling much more gas then when you fart, and at a higher rate and volume. Your mask is useless as your pants in stopping the fart smell coming out of your mouth.
(Old Spike)
lol that was awesome! people are not going to like it at all though, remember how many of them still think masks stop viruses and only idiots think otherwise.
(Long Spike)
Stop viruses? What part of your alternate dimension did you get that from? They don't prevent the wearer from getting them but they decrease the spread to a small degree. That's something. Oh I guess doing nothing is better in your alternate reality. Say hello to the rest of your cult while your there.
(Old Spike)
no they don't decrease it at all. look at your own picture. all the mask is doing is changing air flow, sending less virus straight in front in exchange for more up into the air where it can circulate further before falling back down past face level.
(Old Spike)
This is clever propaganda not reality. You're (hopefully) wereing two masks right now. Both over your butthole. When you fart people can smell it 10 feet away but no better if you're not wearing pants at all. Please also consider that when you breath, you're expelling much more gas then when you fart, and at a higher rate and volume. Your mask is useless as your pants in stopping the fart smell coming out of your mouth.