I will never understand why authorities are opposed to inmates killing themselves!
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backdraft (Dixie Normous: Image specialist)
I guess it another form of punishment. You can't decide when you go or how, the state does that. Also the waiting is part of the punishment.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Yes, I was expecting an answer like that, rather than "the state has a duty of care for the incarcerated", plenty of people on dead row were declared innocent and freed after all.
(Dixie Normous: Image specialist)
I guess it another form of punishment. You can't decide when you go or how, the state does that. Also the waiting is part of the punishment.
(Old Spike)
Yes, I was expecting an answer like that, rather than "the state has a duty of care for the incarcerated", plenty of people on dead row were declared innocent and freed after all.