Waiting for the usual gang to come in and call him crazy... [Or will you argue this is a brief moment of lucidity for the professor... Or further still, beauty is in the eye of the beholder].
Poor you..
Still a good man, though.
(5 votes)
Waiting for the usual gang to come in and call him crazy... [Or will you argue this is a brief moment of lucidity for the professor... Or further still, beauty is in the eye of the beholder].
Poor you..
Still a good man, though.
(Old Spike)
Perfect point at the end.
(Site Administrator)
By point you mean force? Explain.
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
You sure? I got you to agree with Peterson, ..or at the very least not demonize him. We Even broke your programming long enough for you to separate the position from the man. You've been schooled, son. You just didn't realize it until just now.
A wider world just opened up for you. Tomorrow even your coffee will taste.a little better. You might even put down the azure blue hair dye or at least open up the bathroom window so the fumes stop melting your brain.
You're all potential again now. Fly my pretty.
(Old Spike)
bob, in your mind. you're presenting me with a video where he doesn't say anything and you're giving me the option of either agreeing with or not doing the thing that you consider demonization, and because of that, you win
in my mind. you posted a vid made up of clips taken from jordan's various anti-vaccine stances that you've spent months arguing against. you posted that with the intention of instigating responses from people who you would sided with during those arguments, people that ridicule you for unwavering dedication to jordan and your inability to handle criticism rendering all criticism as invalid. it's now an option to post videos of his where his anti-vaccine stances get refuted. we call him an idiot. you ask what exactly jordan said that was wrong between 7:42am and 8:37am on october 8th 1995 that would constitute the dismissal of the entirety of his advice
(Site Administrator)
Sal, you're playing the role of cuck and victim here. (An old world expression, like it wasn't bad enough she cheats on you, her lover smacked you around). I've told you repeatedly that your unwavering hatred of the man verges on mania. Here, I posted a tictoc (I think) where he makes statements that (the record would show) I am against. ie. MRNA being forced on people (original recipe was always available) and unexplained deaths (they're not unexplained, this is the lag effect of routine diagnostic medicine being sidelined for 2 years during the pandemic). I even state above : 'still a good man though '.
I'm not sure what mental gymnastics you feel I had to perform in my mind to reconcile the two. We're talking about sorting the wheat from the chaff in what anyone says, instead of deciding you are as you say, 'dedicated' to them or demonizing them as you normally like to (but not this time, huh?). How did you manage doing it, this time? Your first time near as I can see.
(Old Spike)
Aaaaaah, catering to the target audience. Vaccine bad, click meeeeeeee, click meeeeeee.
The clownish Tom Cruise kind of energy is hilarious, though. Is he back on his "meds"?
And since when did you become an antivaxxer?
(Site Administrator)
LoL. As I explain to young Sal above, posting this doesn't make me antivax or Peterson hating. He is a bit more animated than we've seen him in a while, but I assume he might either still be particularly annoyed with Justin's handling of the Convoy or trying something new (like his taste in blazers lately,...yeash. This is why 'classic' is the best, guys).
(Old Spike)
let me explain excess deaths, by a very good example that we probably all have heard of,
guy works his entire life... retires and 2 weeks later he is dead. and that was before covid,
now imagine everyone retiring at the same time,
and there are your excess deaths.
And then there is stress of the situation you are in, i don't have to tell you stress is a killer, especially because you just took a vaccine and some nutcases tell you are going to die now, and that they will dance and piss on your grave for being such a stupid follower.
Does that cause enough stress to kill someone?
If you add it all up, yes, for some
(Site Administrator)
Definitely a thing. As someone with 2 elderly parents, and the Mrs's mom also, were talking about folks that were active before the pandemic. It's like the lockdown very quickly robbed them of vitality and flexibility. (We've all seen or heard the same from friends with old folks). I mean, there you are, enjoying your retirement and... lockdown. They are creatures of habit at that age so that's gotta suck all kinds and definitely impacts mortality rates.
(Site Moderator)
It affects all age groups.
Just some paper from UK stats.
3rd June 2022 to 30th June 2023, excess deaths for all causes were relatively greatest for 50–64 year olds (15% higher than expected), compared with 11% higher for 25–49 and < 25 year olds, and about 9% higher for over 65 year old groups.
Several causes, including cardiovascular diseases, show a relative excess greater than that seen in deaths from all-causes (9%) over the same period (week ending 3rd June 2022–30th June 2023), namely: all cardiovascular diseases (12%), heart failure (20%), ischaemic heart diseases (15%), liver diseases (19%), acute respiratory infections (14%), and diabetes (13%).
Insurance companies are obviously also interested. Acording to some site young adults death were up 20% in 2023.
(Old Spike)
All these diseases could be from sitting still
(Site Moderator)
Old people are always still.
(Site Administrator)
BD, I don't have time to read the papers today. Did the groups with higher mortality all belong to the MRNA-vaccinated cohort?
(Site Moderator)
It doesn't go into that. Just that there are excess deaths after the pandemic.
We have two good candidates: covid and vaccines. What ever it is, we don't know and for some reason, theres not a lot of discussion around this. It's odd IMO.
(Site Administrator)
Well, COVID or secondary to COVID, eg. due to the lockdown restricting movement as well as delays in general / diagnostic testing I cite as a possibility above. It being the vaccine would be easy enough to check. And again, I can't stress enough here 'original recipe' was always available. Not sure why that keeps being left out by some.
(Site Moderator)
I have a hard time believing that lockdowns caused so much death, that people were unable to get treatment for life threatening conditions or unwilling to do so because of fear of going to the hospital. Also this should affect old people more but we see young people right up there too. In the UK study above we see over 65 having the lowest excess deaths.
This is just me thinking out loud....any stats or papers on the subject are welcome.
(Site Administrator)
No, I like your thinking out loud as you say. Punches some holes in what I said above. I wasn't clear. For sure, treatment of important illness was prioritized. I'm talking more about routine screening and early detection, and now we're seeing the lag effect of that being put on hold for 18mos-2yrs in some places.
(Site Moderator)
Yeah I can imagine screenings took a backseat in all of this. How much were missed because of this would be nice to know.
If I recall correctly, there is an increase in cases of heart and cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases in general.
(Site Administrator)
Forced sedentary life plus no better excuse for drinking one could think of is a deadly combination for sure.
(Site Moderator)
Could be some of that. Do you think lockdowns could cause cancer? Don't think it can all be about booze and sedentary life.
In 2021 there were 5.3 million deaths in the EU; the main causes of death across the EU were circulatory diseases, cancer and COVID-19.
Deaths related to circulatory diseases amounted to 1.71 million in 2021 (32% of all deaths). Cancer was the second most common cause, with 1.14 million causes of death (22%). COVID-19 was third with 0.57 million (11%).
(Site Administrator)
Clinical progression on some of the more aggressive types that could have been caught sooner, maybe.
(Old Spike)
old ppl are always still,
but then there is the funnel that those that are receptible to the diseases would have been killed by it earlier, those that made it to 65 are strong and do not get the disease that easily they're age proves it, there is an entire young weak group that gets the diseases, and they did because of lockdown.
And with funnel i mean, the fall-of race to becoming 65