Honouring the event that has me stuck in my house for 6 hours today (as the only access road is blocked off for this time) and will litter the area with water bottles and other rubbish left by the participating lycratards and their retarded supporters.
(4 votes)
(Long Spike)
This was so simplistic and stupid but every time I heard that exact same shooting soundbyte over and over it made me laugh.
(Long Spike)
They need to get out of those semen smotherers and try this.
(Old Spike)
A former colleague of mine was taking part in this, fell of and hit the only post in the area. Survived but was paralysed.
There is a good documentary about on of the riders around.
(Long Spike)
There's an average of 2 deaths a year. For a week long race.... shits crazy. Quilifying starts 5/26/2018 : )