KAREN charged $132,000

daftcunt's picture

KAREN charged $132,000 after her son breaks statue | Karen 2021

Take your misbehaving kid to a posh wedding, pay the bill, Karen!


I hate parents that treat every place they go to as a playground for their brats and make "everybody supervisor" for their child.

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stokkebye's picture

Just like ashhole dog owners that never punish their dogs when they are bad and they take them to dog parks and wonder why everyone hates them. I bet she uses the same "reward good behavouir and never punish bad" method you say works so well with dogs.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, just goes to show you don't want to understand because you love your alpha male role so much.

Force (or punishment) free training does by no means equal to "rule-less" living, quite the opposite, as I explained (and you of course ignored) in the other post on the topic where you boasted about how you beat your dog. 


A few months back I anticipated that and tried to discourage you from getting a dog due to your rather biblicle "man dominates beast" mindset and your obvious anger issues. I hope you have at least a different approach to your kids but I doubt it.

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stokkebye's picture

Dogs are not children, Children are not dogs You weirdo!


BTW, I grew up with dogs and have been around big dogs my whole life. Dogs and their behavouir is not unknown to me, I asked you if it was possible to train my dog to be an attack dog but still be a family dog and how it can be done, I wasnt asking you for advice on owning or raising a dog. I should have known better, afterall you are a cunt!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well retards with anger issues like yourself actually should have neither. 

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stokkebye's picture

Weird because my kid and my dog are both happy as can be, well behaved and pretty damn smart. Funny how a "retard" can teach his kid piano, chess, French, math and reading all before she turned 6. Oh and she takes ballet, goes skiing, knows how to swim and does gymnastics. SHe can probably name more states and countries than most adults, and we spend our days watching history documentaries. Huh, just yesterday this "retard" was showing her how to change brake pads on my car. BUt what the fuck do I know, Im "retarded", right? LOL BUt yeah, my kid knows not to test me or push my buttons, becuase she'll be in time out, same as my dog knows when I say "NO!" it means NO. If I tell my kid to sit down and work on her school work she does it. Its called respect and obedience, dumbass! Now as for the treat and reward technique, I do that with my kid, not my dog! She knows if she is well behaved in a store or resturant, she might get a treat afterwards. If my dog listens, I might say "good boy!", but its becuase I expect that from a dog.

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skeptoid's picture

He's on the fearless personality spectrum and you are not. To him you look like a baffling coward and to you he looks like someone with anger issues. I set the president that when Ziggy and I come back in from a walk or a drive he gets a treat. I did this initially to bribe him because he was doing the lay down and not move thing because he wanted to stay out longer and I had to get back inside for a meeting. Now every time we get back from a walk or a drive my very intelligent dog pulls this stunt every time and in the interest of haste I do tell him yes treat and when we get inside I give him a treat. He knows he can get a treat from me simply by refusing to come inside. I could compel him to come inside through negative reinforcement but I choose not to partly because I just don't like having to take the Master's tone with him if I don't have to and partly because I respect his game.

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stokkebye's picture

I got a friend with a well behaved doggo that is chill as fuck and he would never HAVE to smack his dog or anything like that, granted his dog is like 20 lbs but he never barks or acts like an asshole, asshole dog ashhole owner! Your chill so your doggo is chill. I want my dog ready for shit and be a good watch dog. I encorage him to bark at strangers coming to my door and let him bark even when they state their business. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Your shortfall was not to train the behaviour but to use the treat to manage the situation (dog does not want to pass door threashold). This kind of "bribe" happens often when the management is not followed up by a little training effort. As it is established behaviour now it will take longer to change (should you be unhappy with it) but in a few days it could besorted. 

I am glad to see that you finally seem to accept and use the scientific terminology! What action on your part would you have classed as "negative reinforcement"?

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