"Most horrible thing I've ever seen"

skeptoid's picture

The Worst Day In Modern American Political History | Ep. 1168

Those with a cartoon understanding of "conservatives" might be baffled by Ben's disgust and denouncement of yesterday's shenanigans.

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stokkebye's picture

So he just wants to bitch and moan about it and not ever do anything about it. Got it, loud and clear! LOL

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skeptoid's picture

You run hot Stok - you're an admirable libertarian who I suspect is blessed and cursed with fearless personality condition. Ben is a buttoned-up "follow-the-rules" logician and orthodox Jew - a pearl-clutching conservative. I disagree with him fairly often, especially on foreign policy and the justification he gives for the exclusion and expulsion of gays by the Jewish sect to which he belongs.


I would love to interview him - I have all kinds of questions about Judaism and its history. People know about how Christian's persecuted Jews, but I wonder sometimes how much Christianity also influenced even Orthodox Judaism. An Orthodox Jew is required to marry another Jew in faith, but they don't have to be ethnically Jewish. I don't think it was like that before Christ, but I'm not clear on that.

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stokkebye's picture

I keep hearing all this talk about Trump losing support, people distancing themselves, etc... Its weeding out the weaklings! Those that want to talk about changing the system, wanting a revolution, and those that actually would do it! Those that are nice and comfy in their lives and unwilling to give up comforts for the change they say they seek. No one EVER gives up power just because you ask nicely! During Occupy in my city, there were people asking for permission from the city to set up and all sorts of shit. And I kept telling them that if they truly believe in a protest against the government then you wont be asking for permission for anything. People are condition to the core, SHEEP. What I saw yesterday was people, THE PEOPLE, fed up with the corruption and crony establishment and actually doing something about it! That sent a chill up the spines of those cowards in the capital, one they will never forget. We'll see what happens. Gonna be a fun year!  

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skeptoid's picture

Your argument for endorsing the Capitol occupation is basically the same as Scott Adams'. On the Capitol issue specifically I lean more towards Shapiro - I understand the rage but it's a self-damaging response. It's like when Simon Peter cut the ear off that soldier in the Garden except there's no Jesus there to put it back on his head. The net outcome will probably be a loss for Trump supporters and collateral damage to everyone else, whether they want to admit it or not. Scott says it's just the populace putting their hands on the shoulders of congress and saying "Let's fix these election problems for next time."

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