Music Being Held Hostage

Pantysoaker's picture


Hes lying for attention, straight up. If you know anything about distrokid, distribution companies, music distribution, and music marketing, it is obvious...

First of all distrokid said the art and song go against apple musics guidelines, therefore they cannot distribute it or they will get sued... that's just how it works.

Second of all, he doesnt need distrokid to distribute his music, he can do it himself just as easily or use a different distributor. Distrokid doesnt hold the rights to his song, therefore they cant stop him in anyway from uploading these tracks, he just cant THROUGH THEM.

3rd, Tom Macdonalds whole brand is based on purposefully triggering listeners and convincing them that he and them are oppressed, making him seem like hes "deep" or "rebellious", so this is obviously just a marketing tactic to get fans riled up about this upcoming song, getting the idea into peoples heads that "the powers that be dont want you to listen to this controversial message".

I mean it's really smart marketing, but that's all it is. I garuntee he purposefully said something in the song, and put something in the image so that they would listen to the song, to get his song flagged so he could start controversy over it.

Average: 1.7 (3 votes)


boldfart's picture

Not hostage just crap!


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danmanjones's picture

where does this privelage of telling large corporations what they can host come from?

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