thats a 1.3 billion dollar lawsuit he's avoiding having his name attached to
Average: 2.7(3 votes)
lawngnome (Long Spike)
The dems are the real Nazis, they straight up own all the media & will cancel culture away anyone that oposses them.
This whole silencing thing has been an intense dictatorship-like gaslight on all fronts from them.
The only peace-threatening, violent racist extremists en masse that I've seen recently are the BLM and Antifa folk.
(Look up Susan Rosenberg. She works at BLM)
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
newsmax isn't owned by dems, neither is fox news or oan or alot of other media.
its not silencing, its de-platforming, you have the right to say whatever you want, people don't have to listen nor do they need to give you a platform to speak from.
guess you didnt watch the capitol riots or bother looking at what those people have been saying on parler. you can still google image search for "parler racists" and get screenshots of what those people were saying. its not holding hands across the country kind of stuff
susan doesn't work for blm, she works for a company that blm is a client, she answers the phone and makes photo copies. her past has also cost her jobs. not sure that was the point you were trying to make.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
People on Parlor don't matter. Dems incited all this rage years ago with their TDS, it is so bad they even forgot what they said.
That is hillarious! Maxine Water did not have to step down, even though she incited physcial threats to happen to NOT just DJT but all cabnet and family members. A very good "it's okay when we do it, until we have 1 named changed then the outrage can start again" hahaha hyprocrits.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
doesn't matter, if you say the only violence and racism you've seen came from blm and anitifa. you've been trying very hard to avoid watching maga hat wearing, peace-threatening, violent racist extremists.
hate everybody that calls for violence, don't hate a side that calls for it.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
You lost me? I didn't say BLM or Antifa? Who is avoiding violence by people in MAGA hats, you need to read my comments more carefully.
What I am saying is Parlor people, every day people don't matter, when a SITTING congress person openly calls for Violence and nothing happens. Before you even mention Trump's name, make sure you quote the part where he says something violent, I read the transcript i saw "PEACEFULLY".
Go ahead, I'll wait.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
did you read the comment chain? look at the first comment. then look the comment you just repllied to. the third word is "if".
people in congress are everyday people. it's possible some of these congress people will go from being a voice on parler to being in congress to possibly being back on parler in 2 years. what they say doesn't go from not being a problem, to being a problem and then back to not being a problem based on what they do for a living.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
I condemn violence as a political answer. But the left doesn't and that is the point. IF you are just now having an issue with violence or calls to violence being said you are too late and didn't recognize it back then, for the dumbass asses now to stop. They have already been told it is okay, by Congress and the media.
For the record "The Constitution says; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble."
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
so the people on parler don't count. the people walking around with maga hats don't count. the only thing that counts is when the left is violent. right?
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Wrong, the only thing that matters is violence was normalized when the left was doing it, and now horrified when their "policy" doesn't work for them.
It is only okay when we do it, is the take away message from the left.
You can't spin this, so start agreeing. Start by denouncing this statement above by the LEFTist news. I have already denounced violence from both sides.
(Long Spike)
The dems are the real Nazis, they straight up own all the media & will cancel culture away anyone that oposses them.
This whole silencing thing has been an intense dictatorship-like gaslight on all fronts from them.
The only peace-threatening, violent racist extremists en masse that I've seen recently are the BLM and Antifa folk.
(Look up Susan Rosenberg. She works at BLM)
(Old Spike)
newsmax isn't owned by dems, neither is fox news or oan or alot of other media.
its not silencing, its de-platforming, you have the right to say whatever you want, people don't have to listen nor do they need to give you a platform to speak from.
guess you didnt watch the capitol riots or bother looking at what those people have been saying on parler. you can still google image search for "parler racists" and get screenshots of what those people were saying. its not holding hands across the country kind of stuff
susan doesn't work for blm, she works for a company that blm is a client, she answers the phone and makes photo copies. her past has also cost her jobs. not sure that was the point you were trying to make.
(Long Spike)
People on Parlor don't matter. Dems incited all this rage years ago with their TDS, it is so bad they even forgot what they said.
That is hillarious! Maxine Water did not have to step down, even though she incited physcial threats to happen to NOT just DJT but all cabnet and family members. A very good "it's okay when we do it, until we have 1 named changed then the outrage can start again" hahaha hyprocrits.
(Old Spike)
doesn't matter, if you say the only violence and racism you've seen came from blm and anitifa. you've been trying very hard to avoid watching maga hat wearing, peace-threatening, violent racist extremists.
hate everybody that calls for violence, don't hate a side that calls for it.
(Long Spike)
You lost me? I didn't say BLM or Antifa? Who is avoiding violence by people in MAGA hats, you need to read my comments more carefully.
What I am saying is Parlor people, every day people don't matter, when a SITTING congress person openly calls for Violence and nothing happens. Before you even mention Trump's name, make sure you quote the part where he says something violent, I read the transcript i saw "PEACEFULLY".
Go ahead, I'll wait.
(Old Spike)
did you read the comment chain? look at the first comment. then look the comment you just repllied to. the third word is "if".
people in congress are everyday people. it's possible some of these congress people will go from being a voice on parler to being in congress to possibly being back on parler in 2 years. what they say doesn't go from not being a problem, to being a problem and then back to not being a problem based on what they do for a living.
(Long Spike)
I condemn violence as a political answer. But the left doesn't and that is the point. IF you are just now having an issue with violence or calls to violence being said you are too late and didn't recognize it back then, for the dumbass asses now to stop. They have already been told it is okay, by Congress and the media.
For the record "The Constitution says; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble."
(Old Spike)
so the people on parler don't count. the people walking around with maga hats don't count. the only thing that counts is when the left is violent. right?
(Long Spike)
Wrong, the only thing that matters is violence was normalized when the left was doing it, and now horrified when their "policy" doesn't work for them.
It is only okay when we do it, is the take away message from the left.
You can't spin this, so start agreeing. Start by denouncing this statement above by the LEFTist news. I have already denounced violence from both sides.