No mask? Easy fix in Mexico.


stokkebye's picture

My county and state issued a mask mandate again, felt pretty good everyone else was wearing their masks while I wasnt, it was like i was a king and they all had to serve to protect me! Must be how all the pols feel like when they dont follow their own mandates.

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Bobbob's picture
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I took my folks in for booster 2 (shot 3) here in Montreal the other day. 6mos to the day since their 2nd shot. As the nurse pushed on the plunger I recall thinking, this is for Stok and his pals. Well,...because of Stok and his pals, really.  The above video is fun and people seem to have taken it in good humor. I can't imagine that going down well in the US or Canada, for that matter.

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stokkebye's picture

Ive always said seperate the sick and old, as that is who is most effected. But yet you keep thinking Im killing your parents. What's your angle dude? Sympathy? Control? What is it?

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Angle? Well that's an interesting question. Why do I have to have an angle. And what do you mean by separate? Like the old Inu tradition? mean like put the elderly or infirm on an icefloat and push them out to sea or something? I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here. Surely you don't mean to suggest that they need to go into lockdown to protect your medical-authority-ignoring asses, do you? Of course you don't.

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stokkebye's picture

If the sick and the old went into lockdown while the rest of us were to live our lives as normal we would be out of this by now with herd immunity, or they could have waited for a vaccine and now get all the boosters they needed. Hate to tell ya but this aint going anywhere and it will be with us forever, just like the flu. 

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Bobbob's picture
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Yeah, well, I think I see the problem.. I mean, other than being a patnetly stupid idea, where would you begin to implement your plan. Where do you draw the line at who is 'sick enough' to make the cut. e.g. my elderly folks, now both in their 80s, have been controlling (successfully) their blood pressure and cholesterol for 20yrs. i.e. they take their pill and don't have cholesterol or hypertension. Are they sick enough for ya? Also, they've been good citizens, paid their taxes, they're fully mobile, but under you, they need to curtail their quality-of-life (curtail their lifespan, really) in their twilight years by going into lockdown so that you don't experience the inconvenience of getting an FDA-approved, health-authority advocated innoculation. Why, as citizens, are such people 'less than' you? Also, like we said, it's not endemic yet, much as you are trying to make it so, at which point I guess you'll raise your arms in victory and say 'see?'.  And oh! Look at that 2nd to last sentence of yours.. look who believes in the effectiveness of vaccines and boosters all of a sudden!.. just not for himself.


So in case you were unsure of my angle (with you on this), it's never really changed. You're a..

Sholtzy Pussy - Album on Imgur

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stokkebye's picture

Don't get the high road confused with your high horse. #stayabovereproach -  Ridiculously photogenic horse | Make a Meme

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Bobbob's picture
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Don't dismiss common sense and my taking the time to counter your nonsense with facts as preaching.

In any case, nice photo. I see the ivermectin has done wonders for your coat.

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stokkebye's picture

My dad is in his late 70's, same with my gf parents, they stayed at home while I went shopping for them. I took precautions to protect them. How is that different then what I proposed? The problem I have is when the govt went fuckin nutso and made my kid go remote, then made little plexiglass jail cells, made them all wear masks, shut down businesses, etc... That is not common sense, that is doing everything that YOU propose should NOT be done to the elderly and the sick! In your narrow little mind up on your high horse you have failed to see the forest for the trees! The vaccines have failed, wearing masks is really ineffective, the virus is still with us, everything you want to continue doing has failed, yet you still keep with it. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So perhaps you might want to start entertaining new ideas outside your little box.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

less than 50% of the worlds pop is fully vaccinated. america is at 60% with a year of vaccines. not everyone wears masks, not everyone social distances, not everyone is willing to get the vaccine and not everyone is willing to even get tested. its basically been two years of a group of people not doing anything and complaining that nothing anyone is doing is working. covids killed 200k more americans in two years than all the wars in the last 150 and people act in a way to make sure that it sticks around

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stokkebye's picture

Wars mainly killed many young fit men, aame with all other deseases that caused havoc in hostory. Covid killed many sick and old. Big difference!

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

a 6th of the people that died were under 55, half of the people that died were under 65, not really the age groups for sick and old. of the 500k or so people that died in 2020, 46% were obese, 27% were overweight and 23% were healthy weight. if it was taking only the chunkies, i don't think healthy weight people would take up a third or atleast be so close to the amount of overweight deaths. no matter how you want to look at it. alot of healthy young fit people are dying from it

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

'We've done absolutely nothing and we're all out of ideas!'  That's you. That's what you sound like.

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sato's picture

just absolutely moronic. japan and korea both big on masks, both sick all the time.

Figure 9.2. Estimated number of consultations per doctor, 2017 (or nearest year)

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stokkebye's picture

Hmm, I wonder why that is? Before all this shit I was using wipes and hand sanitizer during the winter months as I would have to pick up my kid from the germ factory called a pre-school. I loved the idea of people wearing masks, humans are diseased carrying creatures that constantly spit when they talk, spreading germs, wiping their snot from their nose on their hands and touching everything. Not a germaphobe, just dont want to get sick. So anyways, how are they still spreading it? Mass transit and urban dwellings where they are packed like sardines, maybe the ventilation systems. Whats their culture for handwashing? (Im just tossing out thoughts here).

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

look at the two places big against mandates. florida and texas, japans got over 100 million more people but  only 3% of those states deaths. its like those people are just sick all the time

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