Penisgraph government ad


theblackswordsman's picture
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Oh don't worry. It's all happening by 2030.


And we won't even have to close the factories. We will move them to places like Africa where you can't see them, and so the elite can still fly their jets and drive their 2 million dollar cars.


Instead we are going to make YOU shoulder the burden.


We will take away your cash, introduce a carbon credit tax on YOUR goods. Switch to green energy and make YOU ration your power and hot water. (See Ireland) Take away YOUR cars, Take away YOUR meat, and well... Pretty much YOUR everything. So we don't have to.


Enjoy our add above that will make YOU excited for our drastic changes and temper your natural instincts to revolt and hold us accountable. See how it works?


Doesn't this add make you want to help at any cost?


No? We don't care, it's going to happen and there is nothing you can do about it. So just be good and fight climate change, not us.


We wouldn't want you to see that our data is complete lies, the fires are comitted by arsonists we hired so we can show you how bad climate change is, and don't you dare study how Co2 emissions are amazing for plant life and a slight temperature bump is great for biodiversity. Don't look at things like temperatures during the Jurrasic period, and how rich flora and fauna bloomed in those times.


In fact, lets pretend climate change killed the dinosaurs.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You, buddy, are the King of unintentional comedy.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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There is an ancient story that tells me I can't warn you, I keep trying to prove it wrong, but it's wisdom is so far quite right. It goes something like this.


There once a man who learned of bad rain that would poison the drinking water.


He stored vast quantities of good water and attempted to persuade others to do the same.


The people quickly grew tired of his fear mongering and mocked him, sending him away.


The rains eventually came, the water tainted. All who drank from it were driven insane.


The man persisted with his reserves, and came back to the people offering his own fresh water to cure their ails.


They chased him away insisting their water was just fine.


Overcome with lonlieness, he succumbed drank their water to be a part of society. Was driven completely mad.


Everyone who saw him from that point looked upon him as if he was magically cured.

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jdt73's picture

pfizer and bill gates have it under control.

everything is going to be fine....

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