SO gay, he got his medical degree as proctologist at the YMCA, till they threw him out right on his snout, so may be anti gay, to many ppl's dismay.
He is a closet homo living with his bro though, talking about the world, getting by like Amber Heard.
Shit on the bed, while his ass looks red, from all the banging, his father walks in "hows it hanging"
Them 3 getting in a threesome, "O dad threestomp me some more, bang me against the door", hoping nobody knows.
Well,... he blows.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Dude, wake up!
You accidentally cut and pasted that haiku you wrote into the back of your 8th grade English class textbook while staring longingly out the window at some old guys playing cribbage..again! Still really good, though.
(Old Spike)
SO gay, he got his medical degree as proctologist at the YMCA, till they threw him out right on his snout, so may be anti gay, to many ppl's dismay.
He is a closet homo living with his bro though, talking about the world, getting by like Amber Heard.
Shit on the bed, while his ass looks red, from all the banging, his father walks in "hows it hanging"
Them 3 getting in a threesome, "O dad threestomp me some more, bang me against the door", hoping nobody knows.
Well,... he blows.
(Site Administrator)
Dude, wake up!
You accidentally cut and pasted that haiku you wrote into the back of your 8th grade English class textbook while staring longingly out the window at some old guys playing cribbage..again! Still really good, though.
(Old Spike)
Making as much sense as always.
(Old Spike)