Renegade Cut - Where do we go from here?


Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Hardly impartial but still some valid commentary. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Unite and fight China and the elites with us. They are the ones that fucked up this country. And now they are laughing their asses off while we squabble.


Uniting and coming back from this will make the wicked have a stroke.


We'll all have some stuff to talk about for years, but first, let's kick the shit out of some commies.


Also, this presenter guy is under the propoganda. Fascism is not Just far right. It spreads broad. Trump is not the cause of this, it was allowing our representatives to stray from the constitution even an inch.


The traditional American values are the Constitution, Family, and community BENEATH the state. That's where we fucked up. Family and community have been dismantling for decades, and straying from the constitution is why we are fighting.


George Washington warned us. Cling to liberty.



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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

From Canada with love: librards and retrumplicans, both, do your best to get out of the opinion bubble you live in. The algorithm that drives our newsfeed is driving opinions further and further apart. Try to set an hour or 2 each week to watch the competition's news and remember that reality is likely somewhere in the middle. You came to the right place in any case. Long live Spiked.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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"The algorithm that drives our newsfeed is driving opinions further and further apart"




I claim that discussions are important, and every opinion matters by virtue of being said. Debate is where we discuss the quality of an arguement and it's merits.


However, a great way to have cake and eat too, is get off googgle. I swapped to duck duck go and Opera browser the other day.


They don't gather your info.


Words are more important now than ever. As long as we keep talking, we arn't participating in the activism.

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