Why can't any of you Spiked Nationals who live thousands of Kms away be this helpful? Why do you want to see Americans (and Canadians fuckers - hey we're here too, trapped, nowhere to go) suffer? Is it the Imperial foreign policy? I'm with you on that - that's what Tulsi, Rand, Tucker and Greenwald are fighting. That's what Jimmy Dore is fighting. That's what I'm fighting. Why do you sit there spewing nothing but condemnation and hatred towards 75 million people and their children? Do you blame them for the American Empire? They were used just like Obama used the left to advance the empire. They have Americans fighting each other instead of looking at the real evil doers and you Europeans are helping - isn't there anything interesting going on where you live? Is the entire world sitting with baited breath waiting to see how their lives will change based on what happens in America? Is that what frustrates you? Help us fix it, assholes.
Russell Brand Solves America
(8 votes)
(Old Spike)
Your description of the video is a 5/5 for me. Like that guy with the doge on his avatar, i keep asking him why he cares so much about american politics because he is not even american. If i were not american i would not give two fucks about them. Russians don't do this (as in make it a hobby to tell americans they are wrong- they just go about their business and maybe throw a joke in there about americans). Why is it only other western euros who seem cucked as fuck and make it their mission to join demonrats lmao
(Long Spike)
Great post, listened to the end. Great discription, I agree. Great 1st comment, I also agree with all of that. All this agreement might help Spiked turn around, I like this place being amicable.