this is getting so fucking moronic in australia. 2 different panels of experts reviewed his exemption and both concluded it was fine. they also concluded that 3 others players requesting the same exemption were fine, and those have entered the country with no problems.
also wtf are the aussies even on about? they're at 90% vaccinated now, and going through the biggest spike in cases they've ever had by far, and they still think the problem is unvaccinated people? i mean even if they news there has failed to report that vaccination doesn't lower transmissibility it should be obvious that all the vaccine does is lower the severity of symptoms not the number of cases. the only way you could fail to see that when it's happened all around is if you had your head wedged firmly up your own ass.
fucking morons.
if anyone is interested in further info, this is a summary of a lot of the data i've seen myself but written better than i could:
I wonder if countries like Japan are going to have a massive crisis of western refugees on their hands - can you imagine? These muppets acting in lock-step with what appears to be a step-wise rhetorical procedure towards attrocity are absolutely terrifying.
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pharb (Old Spike)
Hey before you go calling my countrymen fucking morons why don't you go an educate yourself a bit you backward ass cunt. You said it yourself " all the vaccine does is lower the severity of symptoms not the number of cases", we have a limited number of ICU beds and hospitals, we have a fuck tonne of cases, they are not ass severe, but a (smaller) proportion still need ICU, don't exacerbate the problem by coming here unvaccinated without good reason - simple.
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bradlox (Long Spike)
Sounds like someone is proud of their country.
*ass severe lol .
harden the fuck up mate .
stop being a shit cunt .
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pharb (Old Spike)
I'm not proud of my country's handling of COVID at all. At the beginning of it, in early 2020, I took it upon myself to wear a mask when I visited my father in hospital (unrelated injury). I was not sick / sympotmatic just thought it was a good precaution to take. Was told by the staff at the government run hospital that I cannot enter while wearing a mask, what a joke! The amount of backflips our government has made on COVID policy is laughable.
None of the above changes my view on my original comment. Cunt.
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bradlox (Long Spike)
Stralia needs to chill the fuck out and fill the eski .
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I'm for an international force to intervene in your country. And mine as well it's starting to look like - who is that going to be? Japan? Sounds good to me.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
@ Pharb. Stop your fear mongering about this so called misinformation.
If it's so blatantly false it shouldn't be a problem if the minority of squakers squak their garbage.
People like you are letting good Aussies get dragged out of their homes like animals and thrown in concentration camps.
Shut your mouth and part your cheeks slave while the real men in your country stand up for your sorry soul.
You'll do what you're told, when you're told, and how fast you're told from now on until your morale improves. And you'll like it.
Governments have been secretly reducing the total number of ICU beds just so they can shove bed shortages right in your face.
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pharb (Old Spike)
I highly doubt I'm mongering any fear among the spiked community by calling out an illogical statement.
Don't even know how to respond to the rest of your ramblings, are you an anti-vaxxer or something? If by "the rest of my country" you mean the 5% unvaccinated (less those who want to get vaccinated but can't because of medical reasons), then I'd gladly not be counted among those "real men", I know some personally and they are tin foil hat wearing lunatics who revel in non-conformity just for the sake of being different.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
The reason you are speechless is because you know deep down that what you are doing is cowardly and evil. Wittingly or not.
Every time you obey you are building a prison for your children brick by brick. Complying with abusers never returns your freedom, and is far less "safe" then they would have you believe.
You are afraid of oxygen, you are afraid of the word no, you are afraid of putting down your phone, you are afraid of the consequences of the state. You are afraid of what everyone else will think of you.
Maybe you're right. The freedom fighters can't use someone who is afraid of everything.
I mean you are afraid of being called a tin foil wearer, what are you going to do against clubs and guns? Far more comfortable to just obey while they take EVERYTHING from you. You won't miss what you don't value I suppose.
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pharb (Old Spike)
Why do you presume you know everything there is to know about me in relation to my opinions on government control and interference with our lives based on my single opinion that a rich tennis player shouldn't get special treatment that others don't?
Every time I obey I am not building a prison for my children brick by brick - not every single law put in place by a government is there to strip away your rights and control you, people form societies because there are benefits to them. True the government overreaches in many respects and the people should protest this and be active in bringing about change via the democratic process (if they are lucky enough to live in a country where this is possible).
If I wanted to not "obey" at all, I could quite comfortably purchase a large piece of land in an area with sufficient natural resources for my family and I to survive with all the basic necessities in perpetuity (save for some major illness / injury requiring expert medical care). However, I choose to obey because I like the benefits of living in a society, living near friends and relatives, having roads I can use my car on to travel around the country and go on holidays, having a supermarket where I can exchange the store of value I am provided with in exchange for my efforts I provide to my employer for goods and services that I would otherwise have to spend the vast majority of my day producing myself. I knowingly and willingly make these choices by living in a society and "obeying" their rules so I don't end up in prison.
I'm not afraid of oxygen, I inhale it all the time. I am afraid of catching COVID becuase I'm going to the maldives at the end of February with my family and they won't let me in without a negative PCR. Of course, I could choose not to "obey" their laws, but then I wouldn't be able to sit my ass on an awesome beach for a month and live like a king for a while (before I go back to work and "obey" some more).
I am not afraid of being called a tin foil wearer in the slightest, there are many "conspiracy theories" I wholeheartedly believe in. Indeed I am well aware of the many that were originally labelled as such but turned out to be true.
There's a fine line between being a nutjob who is just afraid that each and every thing the government does has some nefarious ulterior motive and being a discerning free thinker who makes rationale and logical risk-based decisions.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
My studies have been quite fruitful indeed.
Nobody should be treated that way period. The comforts of the society you enjoy are going to be leveraged against you to force you into the new social credit system. Then you will learn what real slavery is.
You can still have them unconditionally. But you are going to have to fight for them.
If you don't, then you will live under unbelievably oppressive domination for table scraps.
Government is not your friend. They don't care about you. You are worth less than insects in their eyes.
Watch the screws turn, they arn't even close to finished stealing independence from you yet.
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pharb (Old Spike)
For what it's worth, since we started this argument, I'm on Novak's side now. It has transpired that he was given the wrong information about medical exemptions by Tennis Australia and then the government gave him 3 hours to prepare a defence for his visa cancellation when he arrived and cancelled it after 2 hours instead - totally unfair and the federal court agreed and has now allowed him to stay.
I like how the judicial process reached a just outcome.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Any level of curiosity is worth a lot.
I get that many people don't want to believe that they are being betrayed by those entrusted to protect them. Perhaps you as well.
My concern is that nobody should be treated like this. The passport system needs to go into the dust bin of history. The mandates need to recede to just keeping people informed and advised. The heavy handed ovverreach and discrimination from government needs to stop completely. If one of us isn't free then none of us are free.
IF you decide that there are ways you want to get active but you don't want to stick your neck out a protest there are many small ways that add up.
When they introduce further measures for their planned digital ID system. Don't sign up. - Yes that means certain functions of society will be unavailable.
You can research the brands you enjoy, and find out who the shareholders are. If they belong to the mega corperations stop buying from them.
You can research in depthly each of your nations leaders, Look carefully at their scandals, not just the outcomes of them.
If you notice someone being ostracized or discriminated against. You don't have to go all the way and defend them if the situation seems tough, not adding to the discrimination is half the battle.
They can't enforce this system without the labor of the citizens.
You can even think of it selfishly in a healthy way. "Am I Even being paid to enforce these mandates or support them?" What am I actually getting in return for my contribution?"
I remember pre 9/11 you didn't even require a regular passport for a lot of travel. It was more of a bragging right to show off the country stamps to your friends. Wouldn't it be nice to go back those days? All you need for travel is the cash for the ticket and away you go. With much work and enough people workiing together in a number of years we can get there again.
At minimum. Stay curious and stay suspicious.
And try other search engines than google when you want more information. Duck duck go is ok, There are many alternative search engines that don't feed you algorithms. They provide a variety of results.
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pharb (Old Spike)
That I can agree with :) The world would be a better place for sure if everyone did that!
(Site Administrator)
aus should deport this prick
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
this is getting so fucking moronic in australia. 2 different panels of experts reviewed his exemption and both concluded it was fine. they also concluded that 3 others players requesting the same exemption were fine, and those have entered the country with no problems.
also wtf are the aussies even on about? they're at 90% vaccinated now, and going through the biggest spike in cases they've ever had by far, and they still think the problem is unvaccinated people? i mean even if they news there has failed to report that vaccination doesn't lower transmissibility it should be obvious that all the vaccine does is lower the severity of symptoms not the number of cases. the only way you could fail to see that when it's happened all around is if you had your head wedged firmly up your own ass.
fucking morons.
if anyone is interested in further info, this is a summary of a lot of the data i've seen myself but written better than i could:
(Old Spike)
I wonder if countries like Japan are going to have a massive crisis of western refugees on their hands - can you imagine? These muppets acting in lock-step with what appears to be a step-wise rhetorical procedure towards attrocity are absolutely terrifying.
(Old Spike)
Hey before you go calling my countrymen fucking morons why don't you go an educate yourself a bit you backward ass cunt. You said it yourself " all the vaccine does is lower the severity of symptoms not the number of cases", we have a limited number of ICU beds and hospitals, we have a fuck tonne of cases, they are not ass severe, but a (smaller) proportion still need ICU, don't exacerbate the problem by coming here unvaccinated without good reason - simple.
(Long Spike)
Sounds like someone is proud of their country.
*ass severe lol .
harden the fuck up mate .
stop being a shit cunt .
(Old Spike)
I'm not proud of my country's handling of COVID at all. At the beginning of it, in early 2020, I took it upon myself to wear a mask when I visited my father in hospital (unrelated injury). I was not sick / sympotmatic just thought it was a good precaution to take. Was told by the staff at the government run hospital that I cannot enter while wearing a mask, what a joke! The amount of backflips our government has made on COVID policy is laughable.
None of the above changes my view on my original comment. Cunt.
(Long Spike)
Stralia needs to chill the fuck out and fill the eski .
(Old Spike)
I'm for an international force to intervene in your country. And mine as well it's starting to look like - who is that going to be? Japan? Sounds good to me.
(Old Spike)
@ Pharb. Stop your fear mongering about this so called misinformation.
If it's so blatantly false it shouldn't be a problem if the minority of squakers squak their garbage.
People like you are letting good Aussies get dragged out of their homes like animals and thrown in concentration camps.
Shut your mouth and part your cheeks slave while the real men in your country stand up for your sorry soul.
You'll do what you're told, when you're told, and how fast you're told from now on until your morale improves. And you'll like it.
Governments have been secretly reducing the total number of ICU beds just so they can shove bed shortages right in your face.
(Old Spike)
I highly doubt I'm mongering any fear among the spiked community by calling out an illogical statement.
Don't even know how to respond to the rest of your ramblings, are you an anti-vaxxer or something? If by "the rest of my country" you mean the 5% unvaccinated (less those who want to get vaccinated but can't because of medical reasons), then I'd gladly not be counted among those "real men", I know some personally and they are tin foil hat wearing lunatics who revel in non-conformity just for the sake of being different.
(Old Spike)
The reason you are speechless is because you know deep down that what you are doing is cowardly and evil. Wittingly or not.
Every time you obey you are building a prison for your children brick by brick. Complying with abusers never returns your freedom, and is far less "safe" then they would have you believe.
You are afraid of oxygen, you are afraid of the word no, you are afraid of putting down your phone, you are afraid of the consequences of the state. You are afraid of what everyone else will think of you.
Maybe you're right. The freedom fighters can't use someone who is afraid of everything.
I mean you are afraid of being called a tin foil wearer, what are you going to do against clubs and guns? Far more comfortable to just obey while they take EVERYTHING from you. You won't miss what you don't value I suppose.
(Old Spike)
Why do you presume you know everything there is to know about me in relation to my opinions on government control and interference with our lives based on my single opinion that a rich tennis player shouldn't get special treatment that others don't?
Every time I obey I am not building a prison for my children brick by brick - not every single law put in place by a government is there to strip away your rights and control you, people form societies because there are benefits to them. True the government overreaches in many respects and the people should protest this and be active in bringing about change via the democratic process (if they are lucky enough to live in a country where this is possible).
If I wanted to not "obey" at all, I could quite comfortably purchase a large piece of land in an area with sufficient natural resources for my family and I to survive with all the basic necessities in perpetuity (save for some major illness / injury requiring expert medical care). However, I choose to obey because I like the benefits of living in a society, living near friends and relatives, having roads I can use my car on to travel around the country and go on holidays, having a supermarket where I can exchange the store of value I am provided with in exchange for my efforts I provide to my employer for goods and services that I would otherwise have to spend the vast majority of my day producing myself. I knowingly and willingly make these choices by living in a society and "obeying" their rules so I don't end up in prison.
I'm not afraid of oxygen, I inhale it all the time. I am afraid of catching COVID becuase I'm going to the maldives at the end of February with my family and they won't let me in without a negative PCR. Of course, I could choose not to "obey" their laws, but then I wouldn't be able to sit my ass on an awesome beach for a month and live like a king for a while (before I go back to work and "obey" some more).
I am not afraid of being called a tin foil wearer in the slightest, there are many "conspiracy theories" I wholeheartedly believe in. Indeed I am well aware of the many that were originally labelled as such but turned out to be true.
There's a fine line between being a nutjob who is just afraid that each and every thing the government does has some nefarious ulterior motive and being a discerning free thinker who makes rationale and logical risk-based decisions.
(Old Spike)
My studies have been quite fruitful indeed.
Nobody should be treated that way period. The comforts of the society you enjoy are going to be leveraged against you to force you into the new social credit system. Then you will learn what real slavery is.
You can still have them unconditionally. But you are going to have to fight for them.
If you don't, then you will live under unbelievably oppressive domination for table scraps.
Government is not your friend. They don't care about you. You are worth less than insects in their eyes.
Watch the screws turn, they arn't even close to finished stealing independence from you yet.
(Old Spike)
For what it's worth, since we started this argument, I'm on Novak's side now. It has transpired that he was given the wrong information about medical exemptions by Tennis Australia and then the government gave him 3 hours to prepare a defence for his visa cancellation when he arrived and cancelled it after 2 hours instead - totally unfair and the federal court agreed and has now allowed him to stay.
I like how the judicial process reached a just outcome.
(Old Spike)
Any level of curiosity is worth a lot.
I get that many people don't want to believe that they are being betrayed by those entrusted to protect them. Perhaps you as well.
My concern is that nobody should be treated like this. The passport system needs to go into the dust bin of history. The mandates need to recede to just keeping people informed and advised. The heavy handed ovverreach and discrimination from government needs to stop completely. If one of us isn't free then none of us are free.
IF you decide that there are ways you want to get active but you don't want to stick your neck out a protest there are many small ways that add up.
When they introduce further measures for their planned digital ID system. Don't sign up. - Yes that means certain functions of society will be unavailable.
You can research the brands you enjoy, and find out who the shareholders are. If they belong to the mega corperations stop buying from them.
You can research in depthly each of your nations leaders, Look carefully at their scandals, not just the outcomes of them.
If you notice someone being ostracized or discriminated against. You don't have to go all the way and defend them if the situation seems tough, not adding to the discrimination is half the battle.
They can't enforce this system without the labor of the citizens.
You can even think of it selfishly in a healthy way. "Am I Even being paid to enforce these mandates or support them?" What am I actually getting in return for my contribution?"
I remember pre 9/11 you didn't even require a regular passport for a lot of travel. It was more of a bragging right to show off the country stamps to your friends. Wouldn't it be nice to go back those days? All you need for travel is the cash for the ticket and away you go. With much work and enough people workiing together in a number of years we can get there again.
At minimum. Stay curious and stay suspicious.
And try other search engines than google when you want more information. Duck duck go is ok, There are many alternative search engines that don't feed you algorithms. They provide a variety of results.
(Old Spike)
That I can agree with :) The world would be a better place for sure if everyone did that!
(Old Spike)
"are you an anti-vaxxer or something?"