It actually doesn't feel like anything really, if your hearing is impaired it will go back to normal. When I was about 30 I started getting impacted wax like this and I have to do a similar (at home) irrigation about once a month. First time it happened I had to go to the doctor like this and they pulled out about that much. In a months period I get maybe 1/4th that amount of wax to clean out. It sucks, wish I had normal ears.
(Short Spike)
I want to feel what he felt
(Old Spike)
It actually doesn't feel like anything really, if your hearing is impaired it will go back to normal. When I was about 30 I started getting impacted wax like this and I have to do a similar (at home) irrigation about once a month. First time it happened I had to go to the doctor like this and they pulled out about that much. In a months period I get maybe 1/4th that amount of wax to clean out. It sucks, wish I had normal ears.