unaired real talk


puttefnask's picture

The video has been edited to make it seem like Tucker Carlson is stuttering at a loss of words.

This is why the video cuts to a frame with a picture of Tucker and doesn't play uncut. I almost didn't catch it.


It is actually the original video editor which has cuts parts of Tucker's recording where he is being interrupted or talked over by the guest, or because of lag, and played them seperately. Which is why it appears Tucker is immediately responding to what the guest is saying, but cross continent TV interviews don't work that way.

Which means there are probably other parts of the interview which is missing, prior to the interview going bad, which as been purposely been left out.


The guest was clearly going to steer the interview towards criticising Fox News and Tucker Carlson, in a reverse gotcha attempt, which Tucker understood, to which he responded with telling the man to go fuck himself, because he wasn't having it.


Being objective is hard in a world of digital media like today. But it is necessary in order to not be taken advantage of, and it will always pay off for the viewer. That's you.

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danmanjones's picture

Now This News is partisan propaganda. I'd expect no less than dishonest editing from them.

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Maxpower's picture

Even if it weren't edited, this idea that we'll tax the rich at 90%, and they'll just stand for it is ridiculous. The idea that we'll just petition for our government to close the loopholes that allow for them to hide their money in the Caymen Islands and get away with it is a fantasy. What they're talking about requires more than snarky bullshit interviews on mainstream media channels. It requires actual bloody revolution, because as it stands, they'll never pay that tax, even if you put it into law, and our polticians would never vote for true reform in the first place. They'll lobby their way out of any crackdown on the methods they use to avoid taxes.


The tax on all of these programs will always be designed to slide right off the rich and land on the middle class where it always does. That's why people from conservative states hate these stupid socialist dickheads. It's not because they have a strong desire for minorities to die in poverty with no healthcare. It's because they know the rich will always find a way to avoid paying for shit and the poor never have any money to collect, which leaves guess who to pick up the tab.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page



edited or not looks like carson got his arse handed to him on a shiney little plate. Of course it could also be complete fake as the "telephone voice" could literally be anyone sounding remotely like him. Probably we'll never know.


Only thing we DO know is that he happily works for an opinion making channel and thus is a despicable twat.

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monkeymania's picture

The simple fact is that when Tucker got confronted with the fact that FOX "News" hosts are millionaires funded by billionaires, he completely lost his shit. Facts don't play well on Trump state media when they show the simple truths that threaten them in any way. The Dutch historian simply appeared after doing his research and Tucker came across as a complete asshole.

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Maxpower's picture

So is Don Lemon not a millionaire being funded by billionaires? You have one mainstream news network that supports Trump, while every other aspect of the news media, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and the rest of the entertainment industry all spout the same left wing talking points. Then people like you and this Dutch jerkoff act like you're brave and "speaking truth to power" by repeating them. You're not. You're saying the safest State approved bullshit you could possibly say. The leftwing media is The Man they pretend to rage against.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now what did I read in the german online Lügenpresse this morning? Tucker commented but DID NOT deny that the interview happened as aired by Bregman.


And I'm still hosing myself......

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