Vaccine adverse events


stokkebye's picture

So you're saying the media and the left is Dwight Shrute? Instead of giving us healthcare they want to leave it to nature and profit from forced vaxx. Shrute bucks could be the vaccine! 

Better save up you Shrute bucks if you wanna fly somewhere or eat out! 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

like i've said a few times before. vaers is for people to self report. you ask people what they've got and your going to get hot dog fingers. your going to get obese people that got the vaccine and three months later a doctor tells them they have diabetes. so that chunky person is on vaers saying the vaccine caused them to get diabetes

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skeptoid's picture

Holy shit I see why you did what you could to get out in front of the McCullough interview and tell people not to watch it. Just about every position and myth you propogate on this site with your clownish posts completely and utterly destroyed. 150 deaths per 270 million doses is the traditional minimal acceptable background signal - sitting at between 8,000 (low estimate) and 20,000 (high estimate) based on Vaers data alone, with each case specifically verified and confirmed ON TOP OF THE SELF-REPORTING.


Basically the information he provides has you and your clownish stupidity responsible for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of unecessary deaths, cripplings, and injuries. The phenomenon of mass formation psychosis is real and you and thousands of idiots just like you are hot points helping to drive it along. The psychosis has been clearly deliberately provoked, as it was last century several times to the horror of millions, and you are deeploy engulfed by it. Your backwards religion instructs you not to watch an interview like this and tell others to do the same - and you obey. You're sick, and you're not alone.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

everything is by design. notice how you havn't posted the interview. you tell people they should watch it but you haven't posted it. almost like you don't want them to watch it. now, if you post it. it will be because i told you that you haven't.


i'm guessing you didnt watch kyle and krystal

kyle: even if everything in vaers was true. it doesn't equal up to the 800k dead from covid. take the vaccine



hey, you want to see someone call bret a fraud and see his brother come out to defend him but not really defend him?


you see brets response to sam when he asked why he hasn't pivoted?


"Sam, there’s a reason I haven’t reversed course. You have everything necessary to deduce it: I don’t believe you’re right and, moral imperatives being what they are, there simply is no choice.

Please rethink what must to be true for us to have landed so far apart? It matters."


bretts all about that patreon money

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skeptoid's picture

The interview is on spotify, idiot. How am I supposed to post it? Clips of it are banned on YouTube - Joe can't post any to his channel there. Others are posting clips and they are up for a few days and then taken down by YouTube.


Now, the only question is - and this is the question I often have about you - are you aware of all of this or are you just a loud-mouthed, ignorant fool? It's starting to become obvious, and I'm about settled on this now, that it's the latter. I used to think that you were informed, but gaslighting - now I see that you are deeply, deeply religious and ignorant by choice. It's why you post comments like the one above - completely clueless in the way you would expect of someone who makes the choice you've obviously made. Look, it's the choice of a person who is challenged and intimidated by the rigors of writing and language, so they take "Writing and Rhetoric" because within the wokeist network word is out that this is a token discipline invented to give the woke the semblance of a practical, applicable education, and then they take a job as a writer, and then they try to argue, in the workplace, that punctuation is an unnecessary throwback representing oppression that can be dispensed with as a novel innovation that "looks to the future". Inside, that person knows the truth is they just don't want to have to develop the competence, but they want the job, the money, etc. That's you - I know who you are.  


So cheer up - I have more sympathy for the foolish and ignorant religious fanatics than I do for those who know something is bullshit but promote it anyway for power, money, control, influence, malice, evil, etc. You're just a loud, sad, dupish clown. You are engaged in self-deception and lost in religious nuttery that has you behaving off the rails, but I don't think you consciously think you are explicitly lying in your own mind. You are a vector for gaslighting but because you're not anywhere near as aware as you think you are (very common now), you aren't really culpable in the full sense. You're just sick - if you ever realize what you've fallen into I'd like to see that wrath of yours directed at the appropriate place, finally.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'm whatever you need me to be


you know if you type their last names into google, click videos and then choose to only look for stuff longer than 20 minutes and then go to the second page. you'll find a two and half hour video/audio on a site that you could have simply linked but you know... i'm the idiot cause the interview is on spotify

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skeptoid's picture

Post a video with nothing more than a link to an obscure site - cause I'm not an idiot? Okay, son. You are what you've chosen to be, look at the thread above? You didn't do anything in our conversation other than clown like a fool - that's all you can do when you've got nothing and you know you're wrong.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Hey Cliff, is your 2nd name Dwight?

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