At least I learned something from this. He would have lasted a lot longer had he not panicked and tried to swim and thrashed around. Maybe if he remained still to avoid sinking further in and yelled for help he would have had better chances of survival. I hope I'll never have to use this knowledge though.
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Maxpower (Old Spike)
People in the YouTube comments are saying this is fake. I guess this guy has done a dying to quicksand video before, but I didn't bother to verify.
I'm just gonna tell myself it was fake anyway and keep believing that. Seeing shit like this usually fucks me up for a few days, and ain't nobody got time for that.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
I also went to the comments and noticed the "fake" call outs as well but the reaction videos were all in Spanish with a bunch of red circles so I just went ahead and assumed the guy can stand up at any time and be safe.
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phanto (Short Spike)
Would explain why the video has cut so short after
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NoToucH (Short Spike)
Yea good one, someone was prolly on standby to drag him out of there, but even if its fake hes fucking stupid and kinda deserved this. But lets just all agree that its fake so we can all put our little delicate minds to rest.
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BabyDuckling (Long Spike)
The videos are getting removed from Youtube. As i have linked above. Here is a channel with his other videos where he doesn't accidently lean back into it so hard:
(Long Spike)
Apparently this guy did these videos all the time. Almost looks like some kind of wierd fetish in this one:
His videos doing this stuff is at least 10 years old in this channel:
(Long Spike)
well that was disturbing. Also, dude is an idiot.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
Holy fuck, those last bubbles were pretty eerie.
(Short Spike)
At least I learned something from this. He would have lasted a lot longer had he not panicked and tried to swim and thrashed around. Maybe if he remained still to avoid sinking further in and yelled for help he would have had better chances of survival. I hope I'll never have to use this knowledge though.
(Old Spike)
People in the YouTube comments are saying this is fake. I guess this guy has done a dying to quicksand video before, but I didn't bother to verify.
I'm just gonna tell myself it was fake anyway and keep believing that. Seeing shit like this usually fucks me up for a few days, and ain't nobody got time for that.
(Long Spike)
I also went to the comments and noticed the "fake" call outs as well but the reaction videos were all in Spanish with a bunch of red circles so I just went ahead and assumed the guy can stand up at any time and be safe.
(Short Spike)
Would explain why the video has cut so short after
(Short Spike)
Yea good one, someone was prolly on standby to drag him out of there, but even if its fake hes fucking stupid and kinda deserved this. But lets just all agree that its fake so we can all put our little delicate minds to rest.
(Long Spike)
The videos are getting removed from Youtube. As i have linked above. Here is a channel with his other videos where he doesn't accidently lean back into it so hard: