I'm not sure how much the devaluation of the USD really matters as all countries are likely devaluing their $ as they keep up during covid. What's interesting is that people would go to gold historically and now they are going to Crypto but it's basically the same thing, not the USD.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
All economies are suiciding so that they can be replaced with digital.
Gold is good until there is no goods to buy.
Crypto is good until there is no electricity to access it.
Skills to grow food, hunt and fish, craft, gather, refine and defend yourself are what persist when money is no longer pheasible.
What has been proven increasingly is that the agreement behind money is what is valueable, not what it is made out of.
If you have a resource, someone to refine, someone to craft, and a customer. You can stamp aluminum coins and have a circular rotation realisticly.
To prevent counterfeigting you just need a unique insignia and a date. Then once a year you get everyone to turn in their coins and write reciepts, stamp new ones with the new date, and redistribute.
If forgery still persists as a problem then you need inventories more often and the coin pounding ideally should be a public and transparent affair.
The larger the distribution network, the more complex it gets. But this can be done in a decentralized community manner.
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GKhan (Old Spike)
Sounds quite dystopian.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If your eyes have been closed, it's time to open them and see.
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GKhan (Old Spike)
I am guessing you have lock boxes buried in the forest with guns and supplies. Maybe you are right but it's a helluva way to live life. With that said, I wouldn't mind my own bunker.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Skills help immensely. If you are planning medium term all you need is food, water, shelter, medicine, clothing, a means of self defense and a plan.
For some reason preppers have a stigma about them. It just tells me something is coming and the powers that be do not want people prepared or self sufficient. Dependancy is enslavement.
It's easy to get started. Spend 20 bucks and store an extra bag of rice and some bandages or something. Think about what you need for a 24 hour power outage. After that's ready think 3 days, then a week, etc. Next thing you know you're ready for awhile.
What you don't want is to find store shelves empty, or government forces offering supplies in exchange for whatever they want from you. In times of crises it's never reasonable what they ask.
During Hurricane Katrina, first thing the army demanded was people's guns in exchange for aid. They never got those back. In haiti The first thing they demanded was vaccination in exchange for aid. Demands only go up from there. They can conscript you in exchange for food, or offer to take you to a facility where you have no control of your situation or life.
If a crises doesn't happen, you have a bunch of food that you likely bought at much better prices for awhile.
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GKhan (Old Spike)
This is a fascinating topic. On the stigma, I beleive it is how far it is taken out of the norm. But unless someone wants to erradicate a group, it's likely much more productive to control them through submersive means. ie. working for life to pay of a mortage, distracted by a popular social grieviances movement, etc...
On the other side of the coin for preparing. It is amazing how little prep people do. How many people have extra water saved in case of an earthquake or other disaster? And our fragile supply chain, we saw how easy it was for the shelves to go empty. So many people live in the moment.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
99% of preppers are a defensive type. We don't want to hurt anybody. Many just stock guns and ammo either for hunting purposes or in case of starving marauding groups.
Society is about 9 missing meals away from collapse. One that I watch put it this way.
You're at a restaurant. Notice how unreasonably a small demographic of customers act when their food takes just 20 minutes.
How will people act when they haven't eaten in a week and there is no food to be found. Sprinkle in just about any other disaster. Madness.
On subversion, this is how the world became globalized. If you understand the power and accountability structure you can pervet it through natural human exploits. Bribes, blackmail, false promises of seats at the table in exchange for cooperation.
A few historical wars in the middle east and china have been won this way. When a leader or general was determined to fight to the end and was well defended, The opposing leadership would just pervert their personal guard or command structure. The general wouldn't even know what happened until the demand for surrender was delivered and at a snap of the fingers the turned support would stand ready against him.
You are correct that society at large became subverted through comfort and convienience. Technology, fast food, Television, video games and entertainment. Attention spans are horrifyingly short, literacy and language comprehension is poorer than it has ever been since the dark ages, and undue trust in authority is rampant.
Many are starting to see what has been happening and are getting away from it.
This is why skills are valueable. They equal freedom.
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GKhan (Old Spike)
"How will people act when they haven't eaten in a week and there is no food to be found. Sprinkle in just about any other disaster. Madness." - so true. :)
Maybe I'll buy one of those shipping container farms.
(Old Spike)
I'm not sure how much the devaluation of the USD really matters as all countries are likely devaluing their $ as they keep up during covid. What's interesting is that people would go to gold historically and now they are going to Crypto but it's basically the same thing, not the USD.
(Old Spike)
All economies are suiciding so that they can be replaced with digital.
Gold is good until there is no goods to buy.
Crypto is good until there is no electricity to access it.
Skills to grow food, hunt and fish, craft, gather, refine and defend yourself are what persist when money is no longer pheasible.
What has been proven increasingly is that the agreement behind money is what is valueable, not what it is made out of.
If you have a resource, someone to refine, someone to craft, and a customer. You can stamp aluminum coins and have a circular rotation realisticly.
To prevent counterfeigting you just need a unique insignia and a date. Then once a year you get everyone to turn in their coins and write reciepts, stamp new ones with the new date, and redistribute.
If forgery still persists as a problem then you need inventories more often and the coin pounding ideally should be a public and transparent affair.
The larger the distribution network, the more complex it gets. But this can be done in a decentralized community manner.
(Old Spike)
Sounds quite dystopian.
(Old Spike)
If your eyes have been closed, it's time to open them and see.
(Old Spike)
I am guessing you have lock boxes buried in the forest with guns and supplies. Maybe you are right but it's a helluva way to live life. With that said, I wouldn't mind my own bunker.
(Old Spike)
Skills help immensely. If you are planning medium term all you need is food, water, shelter, medicine, clothing, a means of self defense and a plan.
For some reason preppers have a stigma about them. It just tells me something is coming and the powers that be do not want people prepared or self sufficient. Dependancy is enslavement.
It's easy to get started. Spend 20 bucks and store an extra bag of rice and some bandages or something. Think about what you need for a 24 hour power outage. After that's ready think 3 days, then a week, etc. Next thing you know you're ready for awhile.
What you don't want is to find store shelves empty, or government forces offering supplies in exchange for whatever they want from you. In times of crises it's never reasonable what they ask.
During Hurricane Katrina, first thing the army demanded was people's guns in exchange for aid. They never got those back. In haiti The first thing they demanded was vaccination in exchange for aid. Demands only go up from there. They can conscript you in exchange for food, or offer to take you to a facility where you have no control of your situation or life.
If a crises doesn't happen, you have a bunch of food that you likely bought at much better prices for awhile.
(Old Spike)
This is a fascinating topic. On the stigma, I beleive it is how far it is taken out of the norm. But unless someone wants to erradicate a group, it's likely much more productive to control them through submersive means. ie. working for life to pay of a mortage, distracted by a popular social grieviances movement, etc...
On the other side of the coin for preparing. It is amazing how little prep people do. How many people have extra water saved in case of an earthquake or other disaster? And our fragile supply chain, we saw how easy it was for the shelves to go empty. So many people live in the moment.
(Old Spike)
99% of preppers are a defensive type. We don't want to hurt anybody. Many just stock guns and ammo either for hunting purposes or in case of starving marauding groups.
Society is about 9 missing meals away from collapse. One that I watch put it this way.
You're at a restaurant. Notice how unreasonably a small demographic of customers act when their food takes just 20 minutes.
How will people act when they haven't eaten in a week and there is no food to be found. Sprinkle in just about any other disaster. Madness.
On subversion, this is how the world became globalized. If you understand the power and accountability structure you can pervet it through natural human exploits. Bribes, blackmail, false promises of seats at the table in exchange for cooperation.
A few historical wars in the middle east and china have been won this way. When a leader or general was determined to fight to the end and was well defended, The opposing leadership would just pervert their personal guard or command structure. The general wouldn't even know what happened until the demand for surrender was delivered and at a snap of the fingers the turned support would stand ready against him.
You are correct that society at large became subverted through comfort and convienience. Technology, fast food, Television, video games and entertainment. Attention spans are horrifyingly short, literacy and language comprehension is poorer than it has ever been since the dark ages, and undue trust in authority is rampant.
Many are starting to see what has been happening and are getting away from it.
This is why skills are valueable. They equal freedom.
(Old Spike)
"How will people act when they haven't eaten in a week and there is no food to be found. Sprinkle in just about any other disaster. Madness." - so true. :)
Maybe I'll buy one of those shipping container farms.