Your vaccine is made out of aborted Fetuses. Ewww!


theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Darkness cannot hide from the light.


It's in your junk food too.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, if your title were correct: So what?

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skeptoid's picture

It's little moments like this that show us how alien these things are to us - they look human, but they are not like you and me in such a profound way as to be impossible to co-exist with. This thing is an orc - treat it accordingly.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

drunk / high / both again?

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skeptoid's picture

^ Look at it try to communicate like it's a person.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So it appears these cells were used in developing the vaccines, this was in the public domain for WELL OVER a year now, the catholic church already protested and were ignored thankfully.


When the arguments run out the antivaxxer gets desperate, this appears to be happening for some time now....



In any case keep the sane part of the population entertained boys!



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theblackswordsman's picture
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Our arguements arn't running out. They are only growing. The fact that murdered "liberal" children are being used in medicine and junk food is just another arguement to add to the pile.


Really not wanting it was enough reason. Then tack on the adverse effects, the politians pushing it down our throats like greasy car salesmen, the violation of everyone's human rights, the growing hatred from a demongraphic of the population that believe being considered terrorists, murderers, getting fired for being pro choice, and shut out of society are not enough consequences.


If we weren't around, you would turn on your own anyway.


Puritan Beef Stew (Pack of 24): Grocery

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oh bud, you and your pears "turned" against "your own" already. Fortunately you are few enough that you hardly matter (at least in the developed world).

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theblackswordsman's picture
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skeptoid's picture

The whole point of your Hegelian worldview is to infiltrate institutions to create chaos and suffering so that the principles that made us into who we are can be brought down and replaced with a totalitarian vision of nihilism, suffering and perpetual conflict. You embody traitor to humanity - it's the creed of your religion.


It wouldn't surprise me if you pray to Slaanesh every night before you go to sleep.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Come back and read your comment when you're sober. Then explain it to normal people.

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skeptoid's picture

I've posted plenty of videos explaining your religion and for those who watch they're pretty informative. Besides using every single talking point of the religion you read Vox. Why deny I your faith?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

My religion? 


I am pastafari, what is there to explain?

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skeptoid's picture

Look man, LOL, you're either aware of the religion you follow or you're so stupid that you've adopted something without even realizing what it is or where it came from. It's possible that the festering sore that is German idealism is so inculcated into whatever German subculture you belong to that it's now ubiquitous. That wouldn't surprise me.


If you are this pitiable then just search the site on "The full download on hegaliansim" to learn where your character, ideas and motivations come from.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"...without even realizing what it is or where it came from." 


Seems to be the case, please explain. 




Again in karenoid bingo there is always at least one hit per post, this seems to be a new pet word of yours, now tell us which of your internet blog gurus or prophets  put you onto this. 

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skeptoid's picture

I've given you the references - now it's just a question of whether you're too lazy to educate yourself on your own sickness. It's Hegel actually, not Hegal. Follow this nutjob's through line past Marx, Nietzsche and end your journey at Marcuso. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well I know how to spell this (I actually copied the quote straight from your post), I also understand what it is about, I just want to know which one of your gurus or prophets (or people that read the news to you) gave you the twisted idea to "mark" everyone you disagree with like that, this is new so you must have "learned" that recently.

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Pdub's picture

I can't look at that guy and not see Nick Swardson in a mask.

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